  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation and commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Application of Regulations

  5. 4.Descriptive matter relating to packages must not be misleading

  6. 5.Requirements as to brochures

  7. 6.Circumstances in which particulars in brochure are to be binding

  8. 7.Information to be provided before contract is concluded

  9. 8.Information to be provided in good time

  10. 9.Contents and form of contract

  11. 10.Transfer of bookings

  12. 11.Price revision

  13. 12.Significant alterations to essential terms

  14. 13.Withdrawal by consumer pursuant to regulation 12 and cancellation by organiser

  15. 14.Significant proportion of services not provided

  16. 15.Liability of other party to the contract for proper performance of obligations under contract

  17. 16.Security in event of insolvency—requirements and offences

  18. 17.Bonding

  19. 18.Bonding where approved body has reserve fund or insurance

  20. 19.Insurance

  21. 20.Monies in trust

  22. 21.Monies in trust where other party to contract is acting otherwise than in the course of business

  23. 22.Offences arising from breach of regulations 20 and 21

  24. 23.Enforcement

  25. 24.Due diligence defence

  26. 25.Liability of persons other than principal offender

  27. 26.Prosecution time limit

  28. 27.Saving for civil consequences

  29. 28.Terms implied in contract

  30. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Information to be included (in addition to the price) in brochures where relevant to packages offered

      1. 1.The destination and the means, characteristics and categories of transport...

      2. 2.The type of accommodation, its location, category or degree of...

      3. 3.The meals which are included in the package.

      4. 4.The itinerary.

      5. 5.General information about passport and visa requirements which apply for...

      6. 6.Either the monetary amount or the percentage of the price...

      7. 7.Whether a minimum number of persons is required for the...

      8. 8.The arrangements (if any) which apply if consumers are delayed...

      9. 9.The arrangements for security for money paid over and for...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Elements to be included in the contract if relevant to the particular package

      1. 1.The travel destination(s) and, where periods of stay are involved,...

      2. 2.The means, characteristics and categories of transport to be used...

      3. 3.Where the package includes accommodation, its location, its tourist category...

      4. 4.The meals which are included in the package.

      5. 5.Whether a minimum number of persons is required for the...

      6. 6.The itinerary.

      7. 7.Visits, excursions or other services which are included in the...

      8. 8.The name and address of the organiser, the retailer and,...

      9. 9.The price of the package, if the price may be...

      10. 10.The payment schedule and method of payment.

      11. 11.Special requirements which the consumer has communicated to the organiser...

      12. 12.The periods within which the consumer must make any complaint...

    3. SCHEDULE 3


      1. 1.Enforcement authority

      2. 2.Prosecutions

      3. 3.Powers of officers of enforcement authority

      4. 4.(1) A duly authority may, at a reasonable hour and...

      5. 5.Obstruction of officers

      6. 6.Impersonation of officers

      7. 7.Disclosure of information

      8. 8.Privilege against self-incrimination

  31. Explanatory Note