The Borough Council of Sandwell (Black Country Spine Road) (Balls Hill Branch/Ridgacre Branch Canal Bridges) Scheme 1992 Confirmation Instrument 1992



The two bridges will span the Balls Hill Branch Canal and The Ridgacre Branch Canal at the intersection of the said canals approximately 200 metres north east of Great Bridge Street Canal at Swan Village, West Bromwich in the Borough of Sandwell.


Span— The minimum clear span of the bridge will be 14 metres and the minimum clear gap between bridges will be 5 metres
Waterway— he minimum width of waterway will be 10 metres and a 2.5 metres towpath will be provided on the north western side with a 1.5 metres maintenance strip on the south eastern side
Headroom— The minimum headroom under each bridge provided over the 10 metre width of waterway will be 2.6 metres above the British Waterways Board design level of 137.92 metres above ordnance datum


Balls Hill Branch Canal and Ridgacre Canal


The existing canal width varies between 16 metres and 30 metres approximately and will be reduced to a minimum width of 10 metres over a length of 70 metres approximately to facilitate the construction of the bridge.

The existing canal entrance into the turning area at the end of the canal basin will be closed and the footbridge removed. A new canal entrance will be constructed 35 metres approximately east of the existing entrance. A new footbridge will also be constructed over this new entrance to maintain the continuity of the towpath.