1992 No. 3351


The College of St. Mark and St. John Scheme (Modification) Order 1992




The Charity called the College of St. Mark and St. John is administered under the provisions of a scheme made by the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales on 18th December 1975 (“the Scheme”);


the College of the charity (“the College”), being an institution designated under section 129 of the Education Reform Act 19881 (“the Act”) as an institution eligible to receive support from funds administered by the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council, is an institution to which section 129B2 of the Act applies;


the College is conducted by a company called The College of St. Mark and St. John Foundation (“the Company”) and section 129B of the Act, as it applies to the College, requires the Articles of Association of the Company (“the Articles”) to incorporate provision with respect to the constitution of the governing body of the College (“the instrument of government”) and provision with respect to the conduct of the College (“the articles of government”);


the Company intends to amend the Articles so as to incorporate the instrument of government and the articles of government as required by section 129B of the Act;


the Scheme contains provisions which will be incompatible with or which will duplicate the contents of the instrument of government and the articles of government to be incorporated in the Articles;


the Privy Council consider it requisite that, in order to ensure consistency between the Scheme and the instrument of government and the articles of government, the Scheme be modified in exercise of the powers conferred by section 157(1) of the Act3; and


the Privy Council have consulted such persons as they are required to consult by section 157(3) of the Act:

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred on Them by section 157(1) of the Act, the Privy Council hereby make the following Order: