The City of Swansea (Electoral Arrangements) Order 1992

5.—(1) The councillors who immediately before the coming into force of this Order represent the existing Bonymaen, Castle, Cockett, Cwmbwrla, Dunvant, Landore, Llansamlet, Mayals, Morriston, Mynyddbach, Newton, Oystermouth, Penderry, Pennard, Sketty, St. Thomas, Townhill, Uplands and West Cross wards of the City, except those councillors who are due to retire on 11th May 1992 (being the fourth day after the ordinary day of election) in accordance with section 7(9)(c) of the Local Government Act 1972, shall represent the ward of the same name as constituted by this Order.

(2) Subject to paragraph (4) below, where a councillor is due to retire on 11th May 1992 in accordance with section 7(9)(c) of the Local Government Act 1972 in any of the existing wards referred to in paragraph (1) above, a councillor shall be elected for the ward of the same name as constituted by this Order on 7th May 1992 (being the ordinary day of election of councillors) except that two councillors (instead of one) shall be elected on that day for the Uplands ward of the City.

(3) Any casual vacancy existing immediately before the coming into force of this Order in the representation of the existing wards referred to in paragraph (1) above shall be deemed to exist in the representation of the ward of the same name as constituted by this Order.

(4) A councillor shall not be elected on 7th May 1992 for the Townhill ward of the City (and the number of councillors for that ward shall accordingly be reduced from three to two).

(5) The councillors who immediately before the coming into force of this Order represent the existing Bishopston, Killay, North Gower and South Gower wards of the City shall retire on 11th May 1992.

(6) The councillors for the Bishopston, Fairwood, Gower, Killay North, Killay South and Penclawdd wards of the City as constituted by this Order shall be elected on 7th May 1992.

(7) The councillors elected in 1992 for the Bishopston, Fairwood, Gower, Killay North and Killay South wards of the City, other than on an election to fill a casual vacancy, shall retire in 1995.

(8) Except as otherwise provided in the foregoing paragraphs of this article, the term of office of councillors shall be four years, and all councillors shall retire on the fourth day after the ordinary day of election of councillors of the City in the year of retirement and the newly elected councillors shall come into office on the day on which their predecessors retire.

(9) In this article, “the City” means the City of Swansea.