The National Health Service (Charges for Drugs and Appliances) Amendment Regulations 1992

Regulation 3


Provision in the principal RegulationsSubject matterOld amountNew amount
Regulation 3—Supply of drugs and appliances by chemists—
paragraph (1)(a)charge for elastic hosiery—
per item£3.40£3.75
per pair£6.80£7.50
paragraph (1)(c)charge for drugs, and for appliances not specified in sub-paragraph (a)£3.40£3.75
paragraph (3)charge for drugs supplied by instalments£3.40£3.75
Regulation 4—Supply of drugs and appliances by doctors—
paragraph (1)(a)charge for elastic hosiery—
per item£3.40£3.75
per item£6.80£7.50
paragraph (1)(b)charge for drugs, and for appliances not specified in sub-paragraph (a)£3.40£3.75
paragraph (3)charge for drugs supplied by instalments£3.40£3.75
Regulation 5—supply of drugs and appliances to out-patients by health authorities and NHS trusts—
paragraph (1)(a)charge for elastic hosiery—
per item£3.40£3.75
per pair£6.80£7.50
paragraph (1)(c)charge for tights£6.80£7.50
paragraph (1)(d)charge for drugs and for appliances not specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (c) or in Schedule 1£3.40£3.75
paragraph (3)charge for drugs supplied by instalments£3.40£3.75
Regulation 8(5)Pre-payment certificate of exemption for—
4 months£17.60£19.40
12 months£48.50£53.50
Schedule 1Charges for fabric supports and wigs—
surgical brassiere£14.50£16.00
abdominal or spinal support£19.00£21.00
stock modacrylic wig£29.00£32.00
partial human hair wig£74.50£82.00
full bespoke human hair wig£108.00£119.00