

Notification of sheep scab or suspected sheep scab

3.—(1) A person who has in his possession or under his charge any affected sheep or affected carcase, and any veterinary surgeon who examines any such sheep or carcase, shall, with all practicable speed, notify the fact to a police constable, or to an inspector of the local authority, for the area in which the sheep or carcase is, or to the Divisional Veterinary Officer.

(2) If notification is given under paragraph (1) above to a constable or to an inspector of the local authority, he shall immediately transmit the information contained in it by the most expeditious means–

(a)in the case of a constable, to the Divisional Veterinary Officer and to an inspector of the local authority; or

(b)in the case of an inspector of the local authority, to the Divisional Veterinary Officer.

Preliminary restrictions on movement

4.  The occupier of any premises on which there is any affected sheep or affected carcase shall ensure that no sheep or carcase moves from the premises until a notice in Form A is served on him in respect of the premises or he is informed in writing by a veterinary inspector that no such notice is to be served on him.

Declaration of infected place

5.—(1) If an inspector has reasonable grounds for suspecting that sheep scab exists, or has within 56 days existed, on any premises he may serve a notice in Form A on the occupier or the person in charge of the premises declaring them to be an infected place.

(2) A notice in Form A shall continue in force until it is withdrawn by a notice in Form B served by an inspector of the Ministry on the person on whom the notice in Form A was served.

(3) A veterinary inspector may at any time alter the limits of an infected place by the service of a further notice in writing on the occupier or person in charge of it.

(4) A veterinary inspector may at any time by the service of a notice in writing on the occupier or person in charge of an infected place direct that until the notice in Form A is withdrawn any affected sheep shall be isolated from all other sheep in the infected place.

Effect of declaration of an infected place

6.—(1) On premises declared to be an infected place under article 5–

(a)no person shall move or cause or permit to be moved any sheep into or out of the premises, except under the authority of a licence issued by a veterinary inspector and in accordance with any conditions to which the licence is issued;

(b)no person shall move or cause or permit to be moved out of the premises any carcase, skin, fleece, wool, fodder, manure, litter, vehicle, machine, equipment, pen, hurdle, sack or any other thing used or intended to be used for or in connection with sheep except under the authority of a licence issued by a veterinary inspector and in accordance with any conditions subject to which the licence is issued; and

(c)the owner or the person in charge of any sheep on the premises shall take all steps as may be necessary to prevent the sheep from straying out of the premises or coming into contact with any other sheep outside the premises.

(2) A veterinary inspector may, by notice in writing served on the occupier or the person in charge of an infected place, direct that any of the provisions in paragraph (1) above shall cease to apply in the infected place or shall be modified to the extent or in the manner specified in the notice, and the veterinary inspector shall immediately send a copy of such notice to the loal authority.

Veterinary enquiry as to the existence of sheep scab

7.—(1) If a veterinary inspector has reasonable grounds for suspecting that sheep scab exists or has within 56 days existed on any premises he shall, with all practicable speed, take such steps as may be necessary to establish the correctness of the suspicion.

(2) For the purposes of such an enquiry a veterinary inspectormay–

(a)make such tests and take such samples from any sheep or carcase on the premises as he may consider necessary for the purpose of diagnosis; and

(b)mark for identification purposes any sheep or carcase on the premises.

(3) The occupier of the premises, his employees and any person who is or has been in possession or charge of any sheep or carcase which is or has been on the premises shall–

(a)provide such reasonable facilities and comply with such reasonable requirements as are necessary for the purposes of the enquiry; and

(b)if so required by an inspector, give such information as he possesses as to–

(i)any sheep or carcase which is or has been on the premises, and

(ii)any other sheep or carcase which may have come into contact with any sheep or carcase described in sub-paragraph (i) above, and

(iii)the location and movement of any sheep or carcase which is or has been in his possession or charge.

(4) If, on completion of the enquiry, the veterinary inspector is of the opinion that sheep scab exists, or has within 56 days existed, on the premises his opinion shall be subject to confirmation by or on behalf of the Chief Veterinary Officer.

(5) If confirmation is given in accordance with paragraph (4) above–

(a)the veterinary inspector shall immediately serve a notice in Form D on the owner or person in charge of sheep or the premises; and

(b)any notice in Form A affecting the premises shall not be withdrawn by a notice in Form B until–

(i)a declaration in Form E made by the person on whom Form D is served that the sheep to which the notice relates has or have been dipped in accordance with the requirements of that notice; and

(ii)if Form D specifies, a certificate in Form E made by a veterinary surgeon that he has examined the sheep to which Form D relates in accordance with the requirements of that notice,

is furnished to the Divisional Veterinary Officer.

(6) Any notice in Form A affecting premises shall immediately be withdrawn by a notice in Form B served by an inspector of the Ministry on the person on whom the notice in Form A was served if the veterinary inspector is of the opinion that sheep scab does not exist, and has not within 56 days existed, on the premises or his opinion as to the existence of sheep scab on the premises is not confirmed in accordance with paragraph (4) above.

(7) The person on whom a notice in Form D is served shall treat the sheep to which the notice relates in the following manner, that is tosay–

(a)the sheep shall be dipped twice, the second dipping to occur at an interval of not less than 21 days after the first; and

(b)if a veterinary inspector so requires–

(i)any sheep clinically affected with sheep scab shall be treated with an approved sheep dip in accordance with directions given by him, and

(ii)any or all of the sheep shall from time to time be further dipped or treated in accordance with directions given by him.

Slaughter of sheep moved to a slaughterhouse from an infected place

8.  Where sheep are moved from an infected place to a slaughterhouse under the authority of a licence–

(a)they shall be slaughtered as soon as possible after their arrival at the slaughterhouse and in any event no later than 72 hours after their arrival the re;

(b)they shall at all times be kept separate from any other sheep at the slaughterhouse; and

(c)if a veterinary inspector so requires, after they have been slaughtered their fleeces shall be kept separate from any other fleeces at the slaughterhouse until they have been treated, at the owner’s expense, by being thoroughly immersed for at least one minute in a dipping bath in the presence, and to the satisfaction, of an inspector.