The Sheep Scab Order 1992


Restrictions on movement of sheep

9.—(1) If an inspector has reasonable grounds for supposing–

(a)that the movement of any sheep or carcase from any premises may give rise to the risk of the spread of sheep scab; or

(b)that any sheep on any premises have been in contact with affected sheep or have otherwise been exposed to the infection of sheep scab he may–

(i)serve a notice in Form C on the occupier of the premises and on the owner or person in charge of the sheep if that person is not the occupier of the premises; and

(ii)serve a notice in Form F on the owner or person in charge of the sheep.

(2) Subject to paragraph (4) below, on the service of a notice in Form C–

(a)no person shall move or cause or permit to be moved any sheep out of the premises to which the notice relates, except–

(i)direct to a slaughterhouse for slaughter within 72 hours of their arrival there, or

(ii)to such other premises as may be specified in the notice for detention and isolation there in accordance with such requirements as may be specified in the notice,

and in each case the sheep shall be accompanied by a declaration in Form L made by the owner of the sheep or his duly authorised agent;

(b)no person shall move or cause or permit to be moved any sheep on to the premises to which the notice relates, except under the authority of a licence issued by a veterinary inspector and in accordance with any conditions subject to which the licence is issued; and

(c)every person on whom the notice is served shall take all such steps as may be necessary to prevent sheep straying from the premises to which the notice relates or coming into contact with other sheep outside such premises.

(3) The person on whom a notice in Form F is served shall dip the sheep described in the notice on such date, at such place and in such manner as an inspector may require.

(4) Where any sheep in respect of which a notice in Form C has been served have been dipped in accordance with a notice in Form F such sheep may be moved out of the premises to which the notice in Form C relates where they are accompanied by a declaration in Form L made by the owner of the sheep or his duly authorised agent.

(5) A notice in Form C shall remain in force until it is withdrawn by a notice in Form G served by a veterinary inspector or by an inspector of the local authority acting on the direction of the Divisional Veterinary Officer on the occupier of the premises to which the notice in Form C relates and on the owner or person in charge of any sheep detained on those premises if that person is not the occupier of the premises.

Removal of sheep from markets or places of exhibition

10.—(1) Where an inspector knows or has reasonable grounds for suspecting that any sheep on any market or place of exhibition are affected sheep, he may serve a notice in Form I on the owner or person in charge of the sheep and that person shall remove the sheep forthwith from the market or place of exhibition direct to a slaughterhouse for slaughter within 72 hours of its arrival the re, or to such other premises as may be specified in the notice for detection and isolation in accordance with such requirements as may be specified.

(2) Where a notice has been served under paragraph (1) above an inspector may serve a notice in Form H on the occupier or other person in charge of the market or place of exhibition and that person shall cleanse and disinfect such parts of the market or place of exhibition as are specified in the notice in the manner and within such time as may be so specified.

Prohibition of movement of sheep on to unenclosed land, highways etc

11.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order no person shall–

(a)place or keep any sheep from premises to which a notice in Form A or Form C relates, or cause or permit any such sheep to be placed or kept–

(i)on any common or unenclosed land,

(ii)in any field or other place which is not fenced so as to prevent sheep straying from it, or

(iii)in any field or other place adjoining a highway other than a field or place which is fenced or situated so that sheep in there cannot come into contact with sheep passing along the highway or grazing on the side of the highway; or

(b)cause or permit any sheep to which a notice in Form A or Form C relates to–

(i)graze on, or move along, the side of a highway, or

(ii)stray on to a highway, or on to any common or unenclosed land or into a field or other place which is not fenced so as to prevent sheep straying from it.

(2) Where any requirement contained in paragraph (1) above is not complied with in respect of any sheep the provisions of article 17 below with respect to seizure and detention of sheep shall apply.