
Statutory Instruments

1992 No. 475


The Civil Aviation (Navigation Services Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 1992


4th March 1992

Laid before Parliament

11th March 1992

Coming into force

1st April 1992

The Secretary of State for Transport, in exercise of his powers under sections 73(1)(a) and (6)(a) of the Civil Aviation Act 1982(1) and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, and with the consent of the Treasury, hereby makes the following Regulations:

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Civil Aviation (Navigation Services Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 1992 and shall come into force on 1st April 1992.

2.  The Civil Aviation (Navigation Services Charges) Regulations 1991(2) shall be amended as follows—

(1) In regulation 2(1), for the Table there shall be substituted the following new Table—


Column 1Column 2Column 3
For each metric tonne and for each fraction of a metric tonne up to 100 metric tonnes£1.87£1.78
For each additional metric tonne, and for each fraction of a metrictonne, over 100 metric tonnes£0.79£0.73
For each metric tonne and for each fraction of a metric tonne up to 100 metric tonnes£1.87£1.78
For each additional metric tonne, and for each fraction of a metric tonne, over 100 metric tonnes£0.79£0.73
For each metric tonne and for each fraction of a metric tonne up to 100 metric tonnes£1.87£1.78
For each additional metric tonne, and for each fraction of a metric tonne, over 100 metric tonnes£0.79£0.73
Aberdeen (Dyce) £4.75 £4.52
Edinburgh £4.02 £3.83
Glasgow £2.91 £2.78
Prestwick £4.32 £4.16

(2) In regulation 6 for “a charge of ninety-three pounds” there shall be substituted “a charge of ninety-eight pounds”.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport

Patrick McLoughlin

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State,

Department of Transport

2nd March 1992

We consent to the making of these Regulations

Irvine Patnick

Nicholas Baker

Two of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury

4th March 1992

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Civil Aviation (Navigation Services Charges) Regulations 1991. The following changes are made—

(1) The charges payable to the CAA for navigation services provided in connection with the use of the aerodromes specified in the Table in regulation 2(1) have been changed as follows:—

(a)In respect of the three London Airports, the standard charge for the first 100 metric tonnes maximum total weight authorised of an aircraft, or part thereof, is increased from £1.74 per metric tonne to £1.87 for aircraft engaged on international flights and from £1.58 per metric tonne to £1.78 for aircraft engaged on flights other than international flights (referred to hereafter in this Explanatory Note as “domestic flights”). For each additional metric tonne, or part thereof, in excess of 100 metric tonnes, the charge is increased from £0.74 per metric tonne to £0.79 for aircraft engaged on international flights and from £0.65per metric tonne to £0.73 for aircraft engaged on domestic flights.

(b)Charges at Aberdeen (Dyce) are increased by 5.9 for domestic flights and 1.1 for international flights, charges at Edinburgh are increased by 3.8 for domestic flights and reduced by 1.0 for international flights, charges at Glasgow are increased by 1.8 for domestic flights and reduced by 3.0 for international flights and charges at Prestwick are increased by 8.1 for domestic flights and 1.9 for international flights (regulation 2(1)).

(2) The charge payable to the CAA by the operator of an aircraft which flies within the Shanwick Oceanic Control Area and in respect of which a flight plan is communicated to the appropriate air traffic control unit is increased from £93 to £98 (regulation 2(2)).


S.I. 1991/470.