In this Order–


all measurements of distance are measured along the route of the trunk road;



“classified road” as a classification for a highway, means that the highway is not a principal road for the purposes of enactments or instruments which refer to highways classified as principal roads, but is a classified road for the purpose of every enactment and instrument which refers to highways classified by the Secretary of State and which does not specifically refer to their classification as principal roads;


“the deposited plan” means the plan numbered RSE A249/2/65/2/5 marked “The A249 Iwade Bypass (Detrunking) Order 1992” signed by authority of the Secretary of State and deposited at the Department of Transport, Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3PY;


“the new trunk roads” means the highways mentioned in article 1 of The A249 Iwade Bypass Order 19923;


“the trunk road” means the A249 Trunk Road.