2. As regards all land which is the subject of an agreement—
(1) The farmer shall not mole-drain or install under-drainage. The farmer shall not subsoil or slit drain or modify substantially his existing drainage system;
(2) The farmer shall maintain existing dykes in rotation by mechanical means.
The farmer shall dry and level spoil after slubbing out;
(3) The farmer shall ensure that water is maintained at a suitable level for livestock to graze on grazing marshes and shall—
(a)ensure that there is at least 30 centimetres of water in the bottom of dykes between 31st October in each year and the following 1st March,and
(b)begin to increase dyke water levels to summer levels no later than 1st March in any year;
(4) The farmer shall maintain hedges, ponds and reedbeds;
(5) The farmer shall not damage or destroy any feature of historic interest;
(6) The farmer shall obtain written advice on siting and materials from the Minister before constructing buildings or roads or before undertaking any other engineering or construction operations which do not require prior notification determination by the local planning authority under the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1988(1), or planning permission;
(7) The farmer shall obtain written advice from the person approved by the Minister on the management of woodland or scrub and on proposals to plant new woodland.