

Doctors' lists

19.—(1) In respect of each doctor in its medical list, an FHSA shall prepare and keep up to date a list of—

(a)the patients in its locality accepted by or assigned to the doctor under this Part, otherwise than as temporary residents; and

(b)the patients in its locality for whom the doctor has, under paragraph 18 of the terms of service, accepted responsibility during certain periods only.

(2) The FHSA shall from time to time give each doctor in its medical list the information described in Part VII of Schedule 3 with regard to persons included in or removed from his lists.

(3) Subject to regulation 22(7), a person accepted by a doctor for inclusion in his list shall be included in the list from the date on which notification of acceptance is received by the FHSA.

(4) Where a person for whose treatment a doctor is responsible dies, or is absent from the United Kingdom for a period of more than three months, he shall be removed from the doctor’s list from the date on which the FHSA first receives notification of the death or that the absence has exceeded three months.

(5) Where a person for whose treatment a doctor is responsible—

(a)leaves the United Kingdom with the intention of being away for a period of at least three months;

(b)is in Her Majesty’s forces;

(c)is serving a prison sentence of more than two years or sentences totalling in the aggregate more than that period,

he shall be removed from the doctor’s list from the date on which the FHSA first receives notification of the departure, enlistment or imprisonment.

(6) Any removal of a person from a doctor’s list caused by the transfer of a person to the list of another doctor, otherwise than in pursuance of a notice under regulation 22(7) or (10), shall take effect—

(a)from the date on which the FHSA receives notification of the acceptance of the person by the last-named doctor; or

(b)subject to the consent of the FHSA, from such date, being not earlier than the date of that consent, as may be agreed between the doctors.

(7) Any other removal of a person from a doctor’s list shall take effect from the date on which notice of removal is sent by the FHSA to the doctor or from such other date, not being earlier than that date, as may be specified in the notice.