The National Health Service (General Medical Services) Regulations 1992

Incorporation of provisions of regulations etc.

51.  Any provisions of the following affecting the rights and obligations of doctors shall be deemed to form part of the terms of service—

(a)the Regulations;

(b)so much of Part II of the National Health Service (Service Committees and Tribunal) Regulations 1992(1) as relates to—

(i)the investigation of questions arising between doctors and their patients and other investigations to be made by the medical service committee and the joint services committee and the action which may be taken by the FHSA as a result of such investigations,

(ii)appeals to the Secretary of State from decisions of the FHSA,

(iii)the investigation of cases of alleged excessive prescribing,

(iv)the investigation of certification,

(v)the investigation of record keeping,

(vi)decisions as to treatment for which fees may be charged.