The Returning Officers' Charges Order 1992


1.  —

(1) This paragraph makes provision for a returning officer’s expenses in respect of the payment of presiding officers at polling stations.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraphs (3) and (4) below, the maximum recoverable amount for the expenses specified in sub-paragraph (1) above (including expenses incurred in respect of a person who takes over the duties of a presiding officer on polling day due to the incapacity of the previously appointed presiding officer) in respect of the presiding officer at each polling station is


(3) Where a polling station is in a constituency which is wholly contained in a London borough, the maximum recoverable amount is increased by


(4) Where at a polling place to which 3,000 or more entries in the register of electors are assigned there is more than one polling station, the maximum recoverable amount in respect of one only of the presiding officers at the polling stations at such a polling place is increased by


2.  —

(1) This paragraph makes provision for a returning officer’s expenses in respect of the payment of poll clerks at polling stations.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraph (3) below, the maximum recoverable amount for the expenses specified in sub-paragraph (1) above in respect of each poll clerk is


(3) Where a polling station is in a constituency which is wholly contained in a London borough, the maximum recoverable amount is increased by


3.  —

(1) This paragraph makes provision for a returning officer’s expenses in respect of the payment of persons employed in connection with the preparation, revision and issue of the official poll cards.

(2) The maximum recoverable amount for the expenses specified in sub-paragraph (1) above where the information about voters in such cards is entered by means of a computer is, for every 100 cards or fraction thereof so prepared,


(3) The maximum recoverable amounts for the expenses specified in sub-paragraph (1) above where the information about voters in such cards is entered otherwise than by means of a computer are, for every 100 cards or fraction thereof so prepared—

(a)for the initial preparation of such cards


(b)for each revision not confined to a particular section of the cards—

(i)in respect of new cards prepared on that revision

(ii) in respect of cards not prepared on that revision£0.60;

(c)for the revision of a particular section of the cards


(d)for the issue of the cards on the occasion of an election


(4) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (3)(d) above, an official poll card is to be deemed to have been issued notwithstanding the fact that it has been withdrawn because the voter has successfully applied to vote by post at the election under section 7 or 9(7) of the Representation of the People Act 1985(1).

4.  —

(1) This paragraph makes provision for a returning officer’s expenses in respect of the payment of persons employed in connection with the issue and receipt of postal ballot papers and the count and any other clerical or other assistance for the purposes of the election.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraphs (3) to (5) below, the maximum recoverable amount for each constituency for the expenses specified in sub-paragraph (1) above is


(3) In a constituency where the number of entries in the register of electors exceeds 50,000, the maximum recoverable amount is increased, for every additional 1,000 entries or fraction thereof above 50,000, by


(4) The maximum recoverable amount is increased, for every 100 voters or fraction thereof entitled to vote by post in a constituency, by


(5) The maximum recoverable amount is increased for each recount of the votes ordered by the returning officer by
