Information relating to dangerous substances to be received by operators

6.  –

(1) The consignor of a dangerous substance shall ensure that the operator of the vehicle which is to carry it receives such information as will enable that operator–

(a)to comply with his duties under these Regulations; and

(b)to be aware of the hazards created by the substance to the health or safety of any person.

(2) An operator shall not use a vehicle for the carriage of a dangerous substance unless he is in possession of the information referred to in paragraph (1).

(3) The consignor shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph (1) is–

(a)so far as is reasonably practicable, provided in written form;

(b)accurate; and

(c)sufficient for the purposes specified in that paragraph.

(4) The operator shall keep the information referred to in paragraph (1) for a period of at least two weeks after the completion of the relevant journey, either in written form or in a computer under his control.

(5) Information may only be kept in a computer in accordance with paragraph (4) where the information concerned–

(a)has been entered in the relevant computer by a competent person;

(b)is capable of being reproduced in written form when required;

(c)is secure from unauthorised interference; and

(d)can be authenticated only by the person who entered it.