Article 10(3)



The relevant authority shall give no less than 28 days' notice to any person who has requested a hearing of the date, time and place fixed for the hearing unless such a person agrees to a lesser period of notice being given.


The relevant authority may vary the date, time and place fixed for the hearing and shall give such notice of any such variations as appears to it to be reasonable.

Documents and other evidence



A person intending to appear at a hearing shall send a copy of any documents to which he proposes to refer at the hearing and any proof of evidence which he proposes to read or have read by a witness at the hearing to the relevant authority not later than 14 days before the date fixed for the hearing.


The relevant authority shall send a copy of any document or proof of evidence received from a person intending to appear at a hearing to such other persons intending to appear at a hearing as in its view have an interest in the contents thereof.



A hearing shall be conducted by the relevant authority who shall, subject as provided in this article, determine the procedure at the hearing.


A hearing shall be conducted in private.


The relevant authority may hold a single hearing or may hold separate hearings at which specific persons or classes of person concerned with particular matters may appear.


At a hearing a person may appear on his own behalf or be represented by an advocate or any other person, and may give or produce oral and written evidence and may cross-examine any other person appearing at the same hearing and any witnesses produced by any such person.


The relevant authority may take into account any document or any other written evidence received by it from any person intending to appear at a hearing before a hearing is held or during the hearing provided that it discloses it to such other persons intending to appear at or appearing at the hearing as in its view have an interest in the contents thereof.


The relevant authority may from time to time adjourn a hearing and, if the date, time and place of the adjourned hearing are announced at the hearing before the adjournment, no further notice shall be required.


Where a hearing has been held the relevant authority may, if it thinks fit, cause or require a further hearing to be held to afford an opportunity for persons to be heard on such matters relating to the subject matter of the hearing as it may specify and it shall send to the persons who made written representations or appeared at the previous hearing a written statement of those specified matters.


In this Schedule references to a hearing include a further hearing.