
Regulation 8


1.  Egg products establishments shall be subject to any supervision measures considered necessary by an authorised officer of the food authority, who shall ensure that the requirements of these Regulations are met and in particular–

(a)check on the origin of eggs, the destination of egg products and on the records referred to in regulation 4;

(b)inspect eggs intended for the manufacture of egg products;

(c)inspect egg products on despatch from the establishment;

(d)verify the cleanliness of the premises, facilities and instruments and staff hygiene;

(e)take any samples required for laboratory tests to ensure that eggs and egg products comply with the appropriate requirements of Schedule 1 and enter such results in a register and notify them to the person operating the establishment;

(f)if he considers it appropriate, require the operator of the establishment by a notice in writing to increase the level of sampling referred to in Schedule 4 for a specified period;

(g)make any other checks he considers necessary to ensure compliance with these Regulations.

2.  The authorised officer of the food authority shall have free access at all times to all parts of the establishments to check that these provisions are being complied with.