1993 No. 1591


The Wireless Telegraphy (Short Range Devices) (Exemption) Regulations 1993


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 1(1) and 3(1)(a) and (b) of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 19491 and now vested in him2, the power conferred on him by section 84(1)(b) of the Telecommunications Act 19843 and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations:

Citation and commencement1

These Regulations may be cited as the Wireless Telegraphy (Short Range Devices) (Exemption) Regulations 1993 and shall come into force on 26th July 1993.


The Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus (Low Power Devices) (Exemption) Regulations 19894, the Wireless Telegraphy (Low Power Devices) (Exemption) Regulations 19915 and the Wireless Telegraphy (Low Power Devices) (Exemption) (Amendment) Regulations 19926 are hereby revoked.


In these Regulations—

  • “authorised person” means any person authorised by the Secretary of State for the purposes of regulation 6;

  • erp” means effective radiated power, as defined in the Radio Regulations;

  • eirp” means equivalent isotropically radiated power, as defined in the Radio Regulations;

  • “field strength” means the magnitude of a component of specified polarisation of the electric or magnetic field, and a reference to the field strength of any signal means the field strength of that signal when measured at a distance of 10 metres;

  • μA/m” means microamps per metre;

  • μV/m” means microvolts per metre;

  • μW” means microwatts;

  • mW” means milliwatts;

  • “the Radio Regulations” means the 1990 edition of the Radio Regulations, annexed to the International Telecommunication Convention 1982 7pursuant to Articles 43 and 83 of that Convention;

  • “relevant apparatus” means wireless telegraphy apparatus or apparatus designed or adapted for use in connection with wireless telegraphy apparatus;

  • “relevant short range device” means any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy of a description set out in the Schedule hereto; and

  • W” means Watts.


Subject to regulation 5, the establishment, installation and use of any relevant short range device are hereby exempted from the provisions of section 1(1) of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949.

Terms, provisions and limitations5

The exemption provided for in regulation 4 shall be subject to the terms, provisions and limitations that—


the relevant apparatus comprised in the relevant short range device is for the time being approved under section 84 of the Telecommunications Act 1984; and


the relevant short range device shall not cause undue interference to any wireless telegraphy.

Restrictions on use6


Where an authorised person has reasonable cause to believe that a relevant short range device is not complying with regulation 5, any person who is in possession or control of the relevant short range device shall, on the demand of that authorised person—


permit and facilitate its inspection by that authorised person; and


cause its use to—


cease; or


be restricted in the manner specified by that authorised person,

for a period of time ending either on a date, or on the occurrence of an event, specified by that authorised person.


Any authorised person exercising powers under paragraph (1) above shall produce evidence of his authority, if so required by the person in possession or control of the relevant short range device.

Patrick M'LoughlinParliamentary Under-Secretary of State, For Trade and TechnologyDepartment of Trade and Industry


Regulation 4

Cordless Audio Apparatus1

Cordless wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


so as to provide a short range radio link between itself and audio equipment; and


so as to be capable of use only within the frequency bands and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequency bands, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

36.61—36.79 MHz

10 μW

37.01—37.19 MHz

10 μW

Emergency Alarms2

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


for the sole purpose of sending and receiving non-verbal signals in order to summon assistance to those persons who may require it by reason of old age or infirmity; and


so as to be capable of use only on one or more of the frequencies and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

27.450 MHz

0.5 mW

34.925 MHz

0.5 mW

34.950 MHz

0.5 mW

34.975 MHz

0.5 mW

Field Disturbance and Doppler Apparatus3

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


to produce a radiated field and respond to a variation in that field as a result of any intrusion or movement within that field by other devices, objects or persons in order to detect or monitor the movement of such devices, objects or persons; and


so as to be capable of use only on the frequencies, and at a power or field strength, as the case may be, not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies, for each category of apparatus, specified in the table below—


Description of apparatus


Maximum power (eirp or erp)

Maximum field strength at a distance of 10 metres


Apparatus designed solely to detect resonant circuits for use on a frequency of 13.56 MHz ± 0.2%

13.56 MHz ± 0.2%

4,500 μV/m


Apparatus (other than category 1 above) designed solely to detect resonant circuits

2-32 MHz

1,000 μV/m


Apparatus designed solely to detect resonant circuits for the purpose of the prevention of theft

888.000-889.6375 MHz 888.6875-889.000 MHz

500 mWerp


Apparatus designed solely for outdoor use

10.577-10.597 GHz

1 Weirp


Apparatus designed solely for indoor use

10.675-10.699 GHz

1 Weirp


Apparatus designed for fixed or portable applications

24.150-24.250 GHz

2 Weirp


Apparatus designed solely for use in a mobile application

24.250-24.350 GHz

2 Weirp


Anti-collision devices

31.80-33.40 GHz

5 Weirp


Any apparatus not within any category above

2.445-2.455 GHz

100 mWeirp

Fixed Alarms4

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


for the transmission of non-verbal signals to wireless telegraphy receiving apparatus installed in or upon a building in order to activate an alarm; and


so as to be capable of use only on one of the frequencies and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

173.225 MHz

10 mW

458.825 MHz

100 mW

General Purpose Devices5

Any wireless telegraphy apparatus, which is not described elsewhere in this Schedule and which is designed or adapted so as to be capable of use only—


within the frequency band 49.82-49.98 MHz; and


at a power not exceeding 10 mWerp.

Induction System Apparatus6

That part of an induction system designed or adapted—


to produce—


a controlled magnetic field; and


a predetermined recognisable signal when operating within that magnetic field; and


so as to be capable of use only on frequencies, and at an output power or field strength, as the case may be, not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies for each description of apparatus, specified in the table below—


Apparatus with terminals for connection to an external loop antenna: Maximum output power

Apparatus with ferrite or coil antennas: Maximum field strength

;0—185 kHz

10 W

265 μA/m or 100 mV/m

240—315 kHz

10 W

17 μA/m or 6.4 mV/m

Lone Worker Safety Alarms7

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


for the transmission of non-verbal signals to wireless telegraphy receiving apparatus summoning assistance for workers at isolated locations or working in hazardous environments; and


so as to be capable of use only on either of the frequencies and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

173.1875 MHz

 10 mW

458.8375 MHz

100 mW

Marine Alarms8

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


for the transmission of non-verbal signals from a vessel to wireless telegraphy receiving apparatus installed either onshore or in or upon another vessel in order to activate an alarm; and


so as to be capable of use only—


at a power not exceeding 10 mWerp; and


on the 161.275 MHz frequency.

Mobile and Transportable Alarms9

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


for the transmission of non-verbal signals to wireless telegraphy receiving apparatus giving warning that the animal, object or person to which it is attached or located in or upon requires attention or is being interfered with; and


so as to be capable of use only on either of the frequencies and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

173.1875 MHz

10 mW

458.8375 MHz

100 mW

Motor Vehicle Radio Keys10

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


for the transmission of non-verbal signals to wireless telegraphy receiving apparatus installed or located in or upon a motor vehicle for the purpose of—


locking and unlocking the motor vehicle; and/or


setting and unsetting—


a motor vehicle theft paging alarm described in paragraph 11 of this Schedule; and/or


a motor vehicle alarm which operates other than by wireless telegraphy; and


so as to be capable of use only on one of the frequencies or within one of the frequency bands, and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies or frequency bands, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

26.995 MHz

1 mW

27.045 MHz

1 mW

27.095 MHz

1 mW

27.145 MHz

1 mW

27.195 MHz

1 mW

458.90 MHz

1 mW

173.2—173.35 MHz

1 mW

417.9—418.1 MHz

250 μW

433.72—434.12 MHz

10 mW

Motor Vehicle Theft Paging Alarms11

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


for installation or location in or upon a motor vehicle for the transmission of non-verbal signals to a radio paging receiver giving warning that the motor vehicle is being interfered with; and


so as to be capable of use only on either of the frequencies or within the frequency band, and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies or frequency band, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

47.40 MHz

100 mW

458.90 MHz

100 mW

49.82–49.98 MHz

10 mW

Narrow Band Radio Microphones12

Any wireless telegraphy apparatus incorporating a microphone which is designed or adapted—


for transmission within a bandwidth not exceeding 25 kHz; and


so as to be capable of use only on one or more of the frequencies and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

174.600 MHz

5 mW

174.675 MHz

5 mW

174.770 MHz

5 mW

174.885 MHz

5 mW

175.020 MHz

5 mW

Radio Hearing Aids13

Any hearing aid operating by means of wireless telegraphy which is designed or adapted so as to be capable of use only on one or more of the frequencies and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

173.350 MHz

2 mW

173.400 MHz

2 mW

173.465 MHz

2 mW

173.545 MHz

2 mW

173.640 MHz

2 mW

173.695 MHz

2 mW

173.775 MHz

2 mW

173.825 MHz

2 mW

173.950 MHz

2 mW

174.070 MHz

2 mW

174.120 MHz

2 mW

174.185 MHz

2 mW

174.270 MHz

2 mW

174.360 MHz

2 mW

174.415 MHz

2 mW

Short Range Data Links14

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


for the provision of short range wire-free data links within one building; and


so as to be capable of use only within either of the frequency bands and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequency bands, specified in the table below—


Maximum power eirp

2.445—2.455 GHz

100 mW

10.675—10.699 GHz

1 W

Telemetry and Telecommand Apparatus15

Wireless telegraphy apparatus designed or adapted—


either for—


automatically indicating or recording measurements at a distance from the measuring instrument; or


the transmission of signals to initiate, modify or terminate functions of equipment situated at a distance from such apparatus; and


so as to be capable of use only on one of the frequencies or within one of the frequency bands, and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies or frequency bands, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

26.995 MHz

1 mW

27.045 MHz

1 mW

27.095 MHz

1 mW

27.145 MHz

1 mW

27.195 MHz

1 mW

173.200—173.350 MHz

1 mW

417.90—418.10 MHz

250 μW

458.5—458.8 MHz

500 mW

Wide Band Radio Microphones16

Any wireless telegraphy apparatus incorporating a microphone which is designed or adapted—


for transmission within a bandwidth of not less than 25 kHz; and


so as to be capable of use only on one or more of the frequencies and at a power not exceeding the maximum for such frequencies, specified in the table below—


Maximum power erp

173.800 MHz

2 mW

174.100 MHz

2 mW

174.500 MHz

2 mW

174.800 MHz

2 mW

175.000 MHz

2 mW

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations provide for the exemption from the licensing requirements of section 1(1) of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 of various short range devices, formerly known as low power devices. Accordingly it will not be necessary to hold a licence to establish, install and use the short range devices to which these Regulations apply. The descriptions of the short range devices which are exempt are set out in the Schedule (regulation 4).

Regulation 5 provides that, for the exemption to apply, certain requirements must be complied with. The short range device must be approved under section 84 of the Telecommunications Act 1984 and must not cause undue interference.

Regulation 6 requires that the use of the short range device must cease, or its operation must be restricted, on the demand of a person authorised in that behalf by the Secretary of State. Failure to comply with such a demand is an offence under section 3 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949.

The Regulations extend the categories of field disturbance and doppler apparatus to include teleapproach anti-theft devices (paragraph 3 of the Schedule).

The Regulations also extend the range of frequencies on which motor vehicle radio keys may operate (paragraph 10 of the Schedule).

These Regulations revoke and replace the Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus (Low Power Devices) (Exemption) Regulations 1989 (S.I.1989/604), the Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus (Low Power Devices) (Exemption) Regulations 1991 (S.I.1991/1523) and the Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus (Low Power Devices) (Exemption) (Amendment) Regulations 1992 (S.I.1992/484) (regulation 2).

In addition to the requirements set out in regulation 5 short range devices will from 1st January 1996 have to comply with the type approval requirements set out in Part VI of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 1992 (S.I.1992/2372) before being supplied or taken into service.