The Management and Administration of Safety and Health at Mines Regulations 1993

Additional duties of the manager of the mine

13.—(1) It shall also be the duty of the manager of the mine, so far as is practicable–

(a)to ensure that there is such sufficient supply of materials and plant and equipment readily available as is requisite to enable the relevant statutory provisions as they apply to the mine to be complied with;

(b)to investigate promptly and, where appropriate, to remedy any complaints relating to–

(i)shortage of material or of plant and equipment required to be readily available in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above, and

(ii)any other matters affecting the health, safety and welfare of persons at work at the mine;

(c)to make suitable arrangements for recording the names of all persons who go below ground and of those who return to the surface with a view to ensuring that persons below ground and their location can be readily identified at any time;

(d)to read and countersign or ensure are read and countersigned by suitably qualified and competent persons, all reports and records relating to the mine which are required to be made by the relevant statutory provisions and, if he does not read them himself, to ensure that all matters of an abnormal or unusual nature or which require action by him or by any other person within the management structure are brought to his attention forthwith; and

(e)to ensure that each employee is made aware of the person in the management structure to whom he must normally report actual or apprehended danger in accordance with regulation 5(3).

(2) Where necessary to avoid danger, the manager shall make suitable arrangements so that when persons at work at the mine are below ground or are about to go below ground–

(a)the barometric pressure is measured before the start of every shift and the trend in barometric pressure is noted;

(b)the measurement of and trend in barometric pressure are so displayed that persons going below ground can be aware of them; and

(c)the reading of and trend in barometric pressure are brought to the attention of all persons who exercise supervision in accordance with regulation 10(2)(a) or undertake inspections in accordance with regulation 12(2).