The Public Trusts (Reorganisation) (Scotland) Regulations 1993

Regulation 3(1)(c)


[Name of small trust]

Notice of proposed amalgamation

Notice is hereby given that the trustees of [specify name of small trust] have passed a resolution under section 10(10) of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990 that the trust be amalgamated with [specify name of the other trust or trusts]. The trust to be constituted by such amalgamation is proposed to be known as [specify name of proposed new trust].

A copy of the resolution, of the trust deeds of [specify name of small trust and of the trust or trusts with which it is proposed to be amalgamated] and of the draft of the trust deed of [specify name of proposed new trust] may be inspected at [specify address] between [specify between what dates and hours].

Any person with an interest in the purposes of [specify name of small trust] may object to what is proposed by sending his objection, in writing, to the trustees at [specify address] to arrive not later than [specify date ie 14 days after the date of publication of this notice]. The objection should state the objector’s name and address, his interest in the trust purposes, and his objection and reasons for the objection.

Any such objection will be sent to the Lord Advocate by the trustees with their comments and the objector will be given another opportunity to comment. The Lord Advocate has the power to direct the [specify name of small trust] not to proceed with the amalgamation..