Unlisted securities26


This regulation does not apply to the valuation of shares in a dependant of a society.


The value of any unlisted security which is dealt in on The International Stock Exchange of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland Limited or on a recognised stock exchange or on a stock exchange of repute outside the United Kingdom shall be an amount not greater than the middle market quotation.


The value of any unlisted equity share, other than a share to which paragraph (2) above applies, shall not be greater than–


where the company in which the share is held has been carrying on business for more than three financial years, the multiple of the price earnings ratio for the relevant date (or, if no price earnings ratio has been published for that date, for the most recent date prior to that date for which a price earnings ratio has been published) and the proportionate amount attributable to that share of the average amount of the profits of the company for the last three financial years; and


where the company has been carrying on business for less than three but more than one financial year, the multiple of such price earnings ratio and the proportionate amount attributable to that share of the average amount of the profits of the company for its two financial years or the profits of the company in its only financial year (as the case may be).


For the purposes of this regulation, the average amount of the profits of a company for any specified years shall be the amount represented by the formula–




P is the aggregate amount of the profits of the company after provision for taxation in each of the specified years,


L is the aggregate amount of any losses made by the company after provision for taxation in any of the specified years in which there were no profits, and


Y is the number of years specified,

no account being taken of any profit or loss brought forward from any year preceding the specified years.


In this regulation, the proportionate amount attributable to any share of the average amount of any profits of the company in which the share is held for any specified years shall be the amount which could reasonably be expected to be received in respect of that share if the average amount or the amount (as the case may be) of the profits in question were available for distribution by the company among it shareholders.


Where the value of any share would otherwise be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3) above but cannot be so determined because the amount of the profits of, or the amount of losses incurred by, the company in the last financial year cannot be reasonably ascertained, then the value of that share shall be determined–


in the case of a company which has been carrying on business for not less than four financial years, by reference to the average amount of the profits of the company for the three financial years preceding the last financial year; and


in the case of a company which has been carrying on business for less than four years but more than two financial years, by reference to the average amount or the amount (as the case may be) of the profits of the company in any specified years other than the last financial year.


Any share to be valued in accordance with paragraphs (3) to (6) above shall be left out of account for the purposes for which this Part of these Regulations applies if–


no amount is attributable thereto in accordance with paragraph (3) above;


the company in which the share is held has been carrying on business for less than one financial year; or


the value of the share cannot be ascertained in accordance with paragraphs (3) to (6) above because the amount of the profits of, or the amount of the losses incurred by, the company in any of the specified years cannot reasonably be ascertained and no provision is made for its valuation in paragraph (6) above.


The value of any unlisted share other than one to which paragraph (2) or (3) above applies shall be the amount which would reasonably be paid by way of consideration for an immediate transfer of that share.