Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations make provision as to the admission of students to courses of education and training leading to teaching qualifications in Scotland, as to the requirements which such courses must satisfy, as to the teaching qualifications which may be awarded, and as to the recommendation of persons so qualified for registration by the General Teaching Council for Scotland (“the Council”). They supersede the Teachers (Education, Training and Regis-tration) (Scotland) Regulations 1967.

Regulation 3 prescribes the conditions for admission to a course. The applicant must satisfy the requirements for admission laid down by the Secretary of State after consultation with the Council. He can be refused admission on grounds of personal unsuitability as a teacher or medical unfitness to teach.

Regulation 4 prescribes the requirements which a course must satisfy. It must be of such duration as the Secretary of State may determine, after consulting the Council. It must be approved as regards its content and nature by the Secretary of State, after consulting the Council. Instruction in the theory, methods and practice of teaching must be given by teachers registered with the Council, subject to prescribed exceptions.

Regulation 5 provides for the award of teaching qualifications to persons who have successfully completed courses.

Regulation 6 prescribes the conditions for a person to be recommended by the governing body of the training institution for registration by the Council. He must not only hold a teaching qualification but also satisfy the principal that he shows promise of success as a teacher and the medical officer that he is medically fit to teach.

Regulation 7 revokes the 1967 Regulations and relevant amending Regulations and makes transitional provisions.