The A63 Trunk Road (Selby Bypass) Order 1993


Specifications of the road bridge over the River Ouse to the east of Selby in the County of North Yorkshire.

Points of Commencement and Termination

From a point on the south bank of the River Ouse approximately 66 metres north east of the south east corner of OS Parcel 4163 (reference Point A on Plan B).

To a point on the north bank of the River Ouse approximately 165 metres north east of the north west corner of OS Parcel 4163 (reference Point B on Plan B).


Total length between abutments not less than 121 metres comprising:–

One fixed span of not less than 27 metres.

One opening span of not less than 55 metres (navigation span).

One opening span of not less than 39 metres.

Headroom and Waterway

With the opening span open to river traffic, unlimited airdraught over a channel width of 40 metres. With the opening span closed to river traffic a minimum navigational airdraught of 3.85 metres above High Water Ordinary Spring Tide (HWOST) Level over a channel width of 40 metres.

Plan A–Key Plan.

Plan B–Plan of Bridge.

Plan C–Elevation of Bridge.