The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships) Regulations 1993

[F1Amendment of Certificate of PermissionU.K.

87I.(1) An application for amendment of a certificate of permission must—

(a)be made in writing,

(b)specify the details on the certificate of permission that are to be amended, and

(c)subject to regulation 111, be accompanied by the current certificate of permission.

(2) The Registrar must accept an application for amendment if the Registrar is satisfied that the particulars furnished to the Registrar are correct and any relevant conditions in paragraph (3) are met.

(3) The conditions are—

(a)in respect of an application to amend the ship’s name, that the ship’s name would comply with Schedule 1 if an application were made to approve the name by a ship registered under Part II of the Act;

(b)in respect of an application to amend the names of the owners of the ship—

(i)that the Registrar is satisfied that the ship retains a British connection; and

(ii)that the transfer of ownership—

(aa)was effected by a bill of sale in a form approved by the Secretary of State with appropriate attestation, containing a description of the ship sufficient to identify it, and that the bill of sale, or a copy thereof, has been provided to the Registrar;

(ab)was consequent on death, and the grant of representation or a copy thereof or of an extract therefrom has been provided to the Registrar;

(ac)was consequent on bankruptcy, and evidence of proof of title of persons claiming under bankruptcy has been provided to the Registrar; or

(ad)was consequent on an order of a court, and a copy of the order or judgment of that court has been provided to the Registrar;

(c)in respect of an application to amend the register where the ship may be registered, that that register is an approved register.

(4) Where the Registrar accepts an application to amend a certificate of permission, the Registrar must issue an amended certificate of permission with the amended details, and cancel the previous certificate of permission.

(5) Notwithstanding the suspension of the entry, where an amended certificate of permission issued under paragraph (4) contains details which are different from those recorded in the entry in the Register in respect of the ship, the Registrar must amend the Register accordingly.

(6) Where the Registrar refuses an application to amend a certificate of permission, the Registrar must consider whether to revoke the certificate of permission.]