The Education (Distribution by Schools of Information about Further Education Institutions) (England) Regulations 1993

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations require the governing body of every county, voluntary or grant-maintained school in England which provides secondary education to provide information to pupils with respect to institutions within the further education sector. The information to be provided takes the form of copies of the information made available to the school for distribution, pursuant to section 50 of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992, by the governing bodies of institutions within the further education sector in England. The copies are to be given by the governing body of the school to all pupils who are in the second year of the fourth key stage. If the governing body of an institution within the further education sector does not provide enough copies for such pupils to each have one, the governing body of the school will determine how such copies as are provided are to be distributed amongst such pupils.

The same provision is made in respect of the proprietors of city technology colleges and city colleges for the technology of the arts and the governing bodies of special schools maintained by local education authorities, which are not established in hospitals, and grant-maintained special schools which, in each case, provide secondary education.

The publication of information pursuant to section 50 of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 is in England governed by the Education (Further Education Institutions Information) (England) Regulations 1993. They require the governing bodies of institutions within the further education sector in England to publish information about the educational achievements of their students and their careers after completing their courses. Amendments are made to those Regulations to require such governing bodies to make copies of such information available for distribution by the governing bodies and proprietors of the schools and colleges referred to above which are in the locality served by the institution.