The Civil Aviation (Navigation Services Charges) (Second Amendment) Regulations 1993

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations further amend the Civil Aviation (Navigation Services Charges) Regulations 1991. The following changes are made—

(1) The charges payable to the CAA for navigation services provided in connection with the use of the aerodromes specified in the Table in regulation 2(1) have been changed as follows:—

(a)In respect of every aerodrome listed in column 1 of the Table the same standard charge is applied in respect of aircraft engaged on any international or non international flight.

(b)In respect of the three London Airports, the standard charge for the first 100 metric tonnes maximum total weight authorised of an aircraft, or part thereof, is £1.78 per metric tonne which is a reduction from £1.87 for aircraft engaged on international flights but which is unchanged for aircraft engaged on non international flights. For each additional metric tonne, or part thereof, in excess of 100 metric tonnes, the standard charge is £0.73 per metric tonne which is a reduction from £0.79 for aircraft engaged on international flights but which is unchanged for aircraft engaged on non international flights.

(c)The standard charge at Aberdeen (Dyce) is £4.52 per metric tonne which is a reduction from £4.75 for aircraft engaged on international flights but which is unchanged for aircraft engaged on non international flights. The standard charge at Edinburgh is £3.75 per metric tonne which is a reduction from £4.02 for aircraft engaged on international flights and from £3.83 for aircraft engaged on non international flights. The standard charge at Glasgow is £2.72 per metric tonne which is a reduction from £2.91 for aircraft engaged on international flights and from £2.78 for aircraft engaged on non international flights (regulation 2(1)).

(2) References to Prestwick aerodrome are removed in consequence of the CAA ceasing to provide navigation services there (regulations 2(1), (2), (3) and (4)).

(3) The charge payable to the CAA by the operator of an aircraft which flies within the Shanwick Oceanic Control Area and in respect of which a flight plan is communicated to the appropriate air traffic control unit is reduced from £98 to £96 (regulation 2(5)).

(4) The co-ordinates defining the area of the Northern North Sea, in respect of which flights made by helicopters from any place in the United Kingdom to a vessel or an off-shore installation are subject to a charge for the navigation services made available by the CAA in relation to that flight, are revised (regulation 2(6)).