The Merchant Shipping (Navigational Equipment) Regulations 1993


Speed and distance measuring equipment performance standards

30.  Every speed and distance measuring installation required to be provided shall comply with the performance standard adopted by the Organisation and shall, in the case of a United Kingdom ship, comply with the relevant performance standard.

Siting of speed and distance measuring installation

31.—(1) Where applicable, the transducer unit of the speed and distance measuring installation shall be sited so as to avoid, where practicable, the vicinity of all underwater openings in, or projections from, the hull, such as plugs, anodes or other transducers, so that satisfactory overall performance is achieved.

(2) Where a towed log is fitted, the position of the log register shall be selected so that the log line and its rotator when streamed are as clear as is practicable from disturbed water in the close vicinity of the ship so that the rotation of the log line is not impeded by any part of the ship or its equipment.

(3) The display shall, where practicable be sited on the bridge in a position to facilitate easy access and viewing and where the effect of any lighting necessary for the equipment does not interfere with the keeping of an effective look-out.