The Poultry Meat, Farmed Game Bird Meat and Rabbit Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1994

3.—(a) Rabbits shall be declared totally unfit for human consumption where the post-mortem health inspection reveals any of the following diseases or conditions:

  • diseases transmissible to man or animals;

  • malignant or multiple tumours; multiple abscesses;

  • extensive parasitic infestation in the subcutaneous or muscle tissues;

  • presence of residues of forbidden substances or residues in excess of permitted Community levels, including substances with a pharmacological effect;

  • poisoning,

  • extensive injuries or extensive blood or serum imbibition;

  • anomalies as regards colour, smell or taste;

  • anomalies as regards consistency, particularly oedema or severe emaciation.

(b)Parts of slaughtered rabbits which show localized lesions or contaminations not affecting the health of the rest of the meat shall be declared unfit for human consumption.