Citation and commencement

1.  This Order may be cited as the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedule 4) Order 1994 and shall come into force on 24th May 1994.

Variation of Schedule

2.  The following birds are hereby removed from Schedule 4 to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981—

Common nameScientific name
AvocetRecurvirostra avosetta
Bee-eaterMerops apiaster
BitternBotaurus stellaris
Bittern, LittleIxobrychus minutus
BluethroatLuscinia svecica
CorncrakeCrex crex
Crake, SpottedPorzana porzana
Curlew, StoneBurhinus oedicnemus
Divers (all species)Gavia spp
DotterelCharadrius morinellus
Duck, Long-tailedClangula hyemalis
Falcons (all species except the following):Falconidae (all species except the following):
Falcon, BarbaryFalco pelegrinoides
Falcon, GyrFalco rusticolus
Falcon, PeregrineFalco peregrinus
Forest-Falcon, PlumbeousMicrastur plumbeus
HobbyFalco subbuteo
Kestrel, LesserFalco naumanni
Kestrel, MauritiusFalco punctatus
MerlinFalco columbarius
Godwit, Black-tailedLimosa limosa
Grebe, Black-neckedPodiceps nigricollis
Grebe, SlavonianPodiceps auritus
GreenshankTringa nebularia
Hawks, True (all species except the following):Accipitridae (all species except the following):
Buzzard, HoneyPernis apivorus
Eagle, AdalbertAquila adalberti
Eagle, GoldenAquila chrysaetos
Eagle, Geat PhilippinePithecophaga jefferyi
Eagle, ImperialAquila heliaca
Eagle, New GuineaHarpyopsis novaeguineae
Eagle, White-tailedHaliaeetus albicilla
Fish-Eagle, MadagascarHaliaeetus vociferoides
GoshawkAccipiter gentilis
Harrier, HenCircus cyaneus
Harrier, MarshCircus aeruginosus
Harrier, MontaguCircus pygargus
Hawk, GalapagosButeo galapagoensis
Hawk, Grey-backedLeucopternis occidentalis
Hawk, HawaiianButeo solitarius
Hawk, RidgwayButeo ridgwayi
Hawk, White-neckedLeucopternis lacernulata
Hawk-Eagle, WallaceSpizaetus nanus
Honey-Buzzard, BlackHenicopernis infuscatus
Kite, RedMilvus milvus
Sea-Eagle, PallasHaliaeetus leucoryphus
Sea-Eagle, StellerHaliaeetus pelagicus
Serpent-Eagle, AndamanSpilornis elgini
Serpent-Eagle, MadagascarEutriorchis astur
Serpent-Eagle, MountainSpilornis kinabaluensis
Sparrowhawk, GundlachAccipiter gundlachi
Sparrowhawk, ImitatorAccipiter imitator
Sparrowhawk, New BritainAccipiter brachyurus
Sparrowhawk, Small)Accipiter nanus)
HoopoeUpupa epops
KingfisherAlcedo atthis
Petrel, Leach'sOceanodroma leucorhoa
Phalarope, Red-neckedPhalaropus lobatus
Plover, KentishCharadrius alexandrinus
Plover, Little-ringedCharadrius dubius
Quail, CommonCoturnix coturnix
Rosefinch, ScarletCarpodacus erythrinus
RuffPhilomachus pugnax
Sandpiper, GreenTringa ochropus
Sandpiper, PurpleCalidris maritima
Sandpiper, WoodTringa glareola
Scoter, CommonMelanitta nigra
Scoter, VelvetMelanitta fusca
SpoonbillPlatalea leucorodia
Stilt, Black-wingedHimantopus himantopus
Stint, TemminckCalidris temminckii
Tern, BlackChlidonias niger
Tern, LittleSterna albifrons
Tern, RoseateSterna dougallii
Treecreeper, Short-toedCerthia brachydactyla
WhimbrelNumenius phaeopus

3.  In Schedule 4 to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, at the end of the list of birds there shall be inserted—

“Any bird one of whose parents or other lineal ancestor was a bird of a kind specified in the foregoing provisions of this Schedule.”

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State

Robert Atkins

Minister of State

Department of the Environment

25th April 1994

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

Section 7 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (“the Act”), together with regulations made under that section, provide for the registration and ringing of captive birds included in Schedule 4 to the Act.

Article 2 of this Order removes the birds listed in that Article from Schedule 4 to the Act and Article 3 adds to that Schedule hybrids of birds specified in that Schedule.

From the coming into force of this Order the birds included in Schedule 4 to the Act will be—

Common nameScientific name
Bunting, CirlEmberiza cirlus
Bunting, LaplandCalcarius lapponicus
Bunting, SnowPlectrophenax nivalis
Buzzard, HoneyPernis apivorus
Eagle, Adalbert'sAquila adalberti
Eagle, GoldenAquila chrysaetos
Eagle, Great PhilippinePithecophaga jefferyi
Eagle, ImperialAquila heliaca
Eagle, New GuineaHarpyopsis novaeguineae
Eagle, White-tailedHaliaeetus albicilla
ChoughPyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Crossbills (all species)Loxia spp
Falcon, BarbaryFalco pelegrinoides
Falcon, GyrFalco rusticolus
Falcon, PeregrineFalco peregrinus
FieldfareTurdus pilaris
FirecrestRegulus ignicapillus
Fish-Eagle, MadagascarHaliaeetus vociferoides
Forest-Falcon, PlumbeousMicrastur plumbeus
GoshawkAccipiter gentilis
Harrier, HenCircus cyaneus
Harrier, MarshCircus aeruginosus
Harrier, MontaguCircus pygargus
Hawk, GalapagosButeo galapagoensis
Hawk, Grey-backedLeucopternis occidentalis
Hawk, HawaiianButeo solitarius
Hawk, RidgwayButeo ridgwayi
Hawk, White-neckedLeucopternis lacernulata
Hawk-Eagle, WallaceSpizaetus nanus
HobbyFalco subbuteo
Common nameScientific name
Honey-Buzzard, BlackHenicopernis infuscatus
Kestrel, LesserFalco naumanni
Kestrel, MauritiusFalco punctatus
Kite, RedMilvus milvus
MerlinFalco columbarius
Oriole, GoldenOriolus oriolus
OspreyPandion haliaetus
Redstart, BlackPhoenicurus ochruros
RedwingTurdus iliacus
Sea-Eagle, PallasHaliaeetus leucoryphus
Sea-Eagle, StellersHaliaeetus pelagicus
SerinSerinus serinus
Serpent-Eagle, AndamanSpilornis elgini
Serpent-Eagle, MadagascarEutriorchis astur
Serpent-Eagle, MountainSpilornis kinabaluensis
ShorelarkEremophila alpestris
Shrike, Red-backedLanius collurio
Sparrowhawk, New BritainAccipiter brachyurus
Sparrowhawk, Gundlach'sAccipiter gundlachi
Sparrowhawk, ImitatorAccipiter imitator
Sparrowhawk, SmallAccipiter nanus
Tit, BeardedPanurus biarmicus
Tit, CrestedParus cristatus
Warbler, CettiCettia cetti
Warbler, DartfordSylvia undata
Warbler, MarshAcrocephalus palustris
Warbler, SaviLocustella luscinioides
WoodlarkLullula arborea
WryneckJynx torquilla

Any bird one of whose parents or other lineal ancestor was a bird of a kind specified in the above list.