The Railways Pension Scheme Order 1994


9B  If a Member has a guaranteed minimum in relation to the pension provided for the Member under the Scheme in accordance with sections 13—16 of the Pensions Act:

(a)the weekly rate of the Member’s pension (excluding pension provided by Additional Voluntary Contributions) from age 65 if a man or 60 if a woman (“State Pension Age”) shall not be less than the guaranteed minimum;

(b)if the Member is a man and dies leaving a widow, the weekly rate of her pension (excluding pension provided by Additional Voluntary Contributions) shall not be less than half the Member’s guaranteed minimum;

(c)if the Member is a woman and dies leaving a widower, the weekly rate of his pension (excluding pension provided by Additional Voluntary Contributions) shall not be less than half the part of the Member’s guaranteed minimum that is attributable to earnings for the tax year 1988—89 and subsequent tax years.