1994 No. 1754


The Epsom School of Art and Design (Dissolution) Order 1994


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

Whereas in accordance with section 51(1)(c) and 51(2)(a) of the Further and Higher Education Act 19921 (“the Act”) and regulations 3 and 4 of the Education (Publication of Draft Proposals and Orders) (Further Education Corporations) Regulations 19922 (“the Regulations”) the Further Education Funding Council for England (“the Council”) has published a draft of a proposal for the dissolution by the Secretary of State under section 27 of the Act of the further education corporation known as Epsom School of Art and Design3 (“the School”);

Whereas in accordance with section 51(1)(c) and 51(2)(b) of the Act and regulation 5 of the Regulationsthe Council has considered representations about the draft proposal and in accordance with section 51(1)(c) and 51(2)(c) of the Act has sent copies of the draft and representations to the Secretary of State for Education;

And whereas pursuant to the draft proposal the Council has proposed the dissolution of the School by the Secretary of State under section 27 of the Act;

Now therefore in exercise of the power conferred on him by section 27 of the Act the Secretary of State for Education after consulting the School and with the consent of the higher education corporation known as West Surrey College of Art and Design4 (“the College”) hereby makes the following Order: