The Loch Ewe, West Ross, Scallops Fishery Order 1994

Article 1(2)

SCHEDULEDescription of the fishery

That part of the bed of the sea in Loch Ewe, West Ross, Highland Region lying on the west side of Loch Ewe and to the south west of the Isle of Ewe extending to 147.710 hectares or thereby and bounded as follows:— on or towards the north by a straight line 280 metres or thereby in length extending in an easterly direction from a point at 57° 49.22' North latitude and 05° 39.03' West longitude to a point at 57° 49.22' North latitude and 05° 38.75' West longitude; thence on or towards the east by a straight line 240 metres or thereby in length extending in a southerly direction to a point at 57° 49.08' North latitude and 05° 38.77' West longitude; thence on or towards the north east by a straight line 260 metres or thereby in length extending in a south easterly direction to a point at 57° 49.00' North latitude and 05° 38.57' West longitude; thence on or towards the east north east by a straight line 360 metres or thereby in length extending in an southerly direction to a point at 57° 48.80' North latitude and 05° 38.50' West longitude; thence on or towards the east by a straight line 1,340 metres or thereby in length extending in a southerly direction to a point at 57° 48.08' North latitude and 05° 38.48' West longitude; thence on or towards the south by a straight line 770 metres or thereby in length extending in a westerly direction to a point at 57° 48.08' North latitude and 05° 39.27' West longitude; thence on or towards the west by a straight line 1,700 metres or thereby in length extending in a northerly direction to a point at 57° 49.00' North latitude and 05° 39.27' West longitude; and thence on or towards the north west by a straight line 465 metres or thereby in length extending in a north northeasterly direction to the point at 57° 49.22' North latitude and 05° 39.03' West longitude aforesaid.