


3.—(1) The name of the University, previously “Dundee Institute of Technology”, shall be “University of Abertay Dundee”(1), and the name of the governing body, previously “The Governors of Dundee Institute of Technology” shall be “the University Court of the University of Abertay Dundee”.

(2) Accordingly, any reference in any agreement, deed, bond, instrument or other writing operative or effective immediately before the effective date of this Order to Dundee Institute of Technology or The Governors of Dundee Institute of Technology shall be read as a reference to the University of Abertay Dundee or the University Court of the University of Abertay Dundee respectively and any like reference to the Institute or to the Governors shall be construed accordingly; and no rights, interests, obligations or liabilities of any person shall be affected by the change of name of the institution or the governing body.

Objects of the University and general functions of the University Court

4.—(1) The objects for which the University shall be conducted are to provide education, to undertake and carry out research, and to make suitable and adequate provision for teaching, learning, scholarship and research.

(2) The University Court shall conduct the affairs of the University and carry out and promote its objects.

(3) The University Court may also—

(a)provide research, consultancy, development, design, testing and such other services in conjunction with or in relation to any of the objects of the University in such manner and on such conditions and terms as it may determine; and

(b)carry on any trade, business or other activity whatsoever which in its opinion may carry out the objects of or be for the benefit of or advance the interests of the University.

(4) The University Court shall exercise its functions without prejudice to any person on grounds of gender, race or religion.


The name of the University was changed in accordance with section 49 of the Act by resolution of the governing body on 28th January 1994, and consent of the Privy Council on 25th April 1994.