Regulation 3

SCHEDULE 1Prescribed periods for duties under section 24 in relation to the reinstatement of pupils at county, controlled and maintained special schools

The duty of an authority under section 24(a)(i)(1) to give the governing body the opportunity to express their views.15 school days from the day on which the head teacher informed the authority of a permanent exclusion under section 23(b).
The duty of an authority under section 24(a)(ii) (duty to give a direction where they consider a pupil should be reinstated).20 school days from the day on which the head teacher informed the authority of a permanent exclusion under section 23(b).
The duty of an authority under section 24(a)(iii) (duty where the authority do not consider a pupil should be reinstated to inform the pupil or his parent of their decision).20 school days from the day on which the head teacher informed the authority of a permanent exclusion under section 23(b).
The duty of an authority and a governing body under section 24(h) (duty to inform each other and the pupil or his parent of a direction).1 school day from the day on which the authority or the governing body gave a direction to which section 24(h) applies.

Regulation 4

SCHEDULE 2Prescribed periods for duties under section 25 in relation to the reinstatement of pupils at aided and special agreement schools

The duty of a governing body under section 25(a)(ii) (duty where the governing body consider a pupil should be reinstated to give a direction).15 school days from the day on which the head teacher informed the governing body of a permanent exclusion under section 23(b).
The duty of a governing body under section 25(a)(iii) (duty where the governing body consider a pupil should not be reinstated to inform the authority and the pupil or his parent).15 school days from the day on which the head teacher informed the governing body of a permanent exclusion under section 23(b).
The duty of an authority and a governing body under section 25(h) (duty to inform each other and the pupil or his parent of a direction).1 school day from the day on which the authority or the governing body gave a direction to which section 25(h) applies.

Eric Forth

Minister of State

Department for Education

1st August 1994

John Redwood

Secretary of State for Wales

4th August 1994


Section 24(a)(i) was amended by paragraph 97(a) of Schedule 19 to the Education Act 1993.