
Statutory Instruments

1994 No. 2446


The Education (Grants for Education Support and Training) (Amendment) Regulations 1994


14th September 1994

Laid before Parliament

16th September 1994

Coming into force

6th October 1994

In exercise of the powers conferred upon the Secretary of State by sections 1 and 3(4) of the Education (Grants and Awards) Act 1984(1), the Secretary of State for Education, as respects England, and the Secretary of State for Wales, as respects Wales, hereby make the following Regulations:

Citation and commencement

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Education (Grants for Education Support and Training) (Amendment) Regulations 1994 and shall come into force on 6th October 1994.

Amendment of the Education (Grants for Education Support and Training) Regulations 1994

2.  The Education (Grants for Education Support and Training) Regulations 1994(2) are amended by—

(a)the insertion in regulation 5(2) after “such expenditure” of “, and grants in respect of approved expenditure incurred by an education authority on or after 6th October 1994 in respect of item 3(c) in the Schedule shall be payable at the rate of 100 per cent. of such expenditure”.

(b)the substitution in regulation 6(4) after “1st January” of “in” for “and”, and after “until” of “a statement” for “an application”,

(c)the substitution in regulation 6(5)(a) after “Secretary of State” of “a statement” for “an application”, and in regulation 6(5)(b) after “stated in the” of “statement” for “application”,

(d)the deletion in regulation 11 after “6,” of “or” and the insertion after “19” of “or 21”,

(e)the deletion in paragraph 3(a) of the Schedule of “in England” and after “Education Reform Act 1988;” of “and”,

(f)the insertion at the end of paragraph 3(b) of the Schedule of “except as provided in sub-paragraph (c); and”,

(g)the insertion after paragraph 3(b) of the Schedule of—

(c)assistance with administrative expenses (including fees) incurred in connection with the certification pursuant to section 42A of the Education Reform Act 1988(3) of statements prepared under section 42 of that Act,

(h)the deletion in paragraph 18 of the Schedule of “by education authorities or by the governing bodies of voluntary aided schools”, and

(i)the deletion in paragraph 19 of the Schedule of the words “in Wales only”.

Gillian Shephard

Secretary of State for Education

6th September 1994

Rod Richards

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Welsh Office

14th September 1994

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Education (Grants for Education Support and Training) Regulations 1994 to enable grant to be paid at 100% in respect of certification expenses incurred by local education authorities under section 42A of the Education Reform Act 1988 (item 3(c) in the Schedule). Item 3 in the Schedule (support and training for the preparation and implementation of schemes for financing county and voluntary schools, and support for the administration of such schemes) is also extended to Wales.

Item 19 in the Schedule is amended to enable grant to be paid for the support and training of teachers and others employed in schools in developing policies for pupils with special educational needs in England.

The Regulations also enable the Secretary of State to require a local education authority to whom a payment of grant in respect of item 21 in the Schedule (support, equipment and training for the teaching of mathematics, science and technology in technology colleges in England) is made to delegate decisions about the spending of grant to persons determined in accordance with the Regulations.

The Regulations also make minor amendments to regulation 6 and to item 18 in the Schedule.


1984 c. 11; section 1 was amended by section 278 of the Education Act 1993 (c. 35).


S.I. 1994/612.


1988 c. 40; section 42A was inserted by section 275(2) of the Education Act 1993.