Statutory Instruments

1994 No. 247


The Copyright (Certification of Licensing Scheme for Educational Recording of Broadcasts and Cable Programmes) (Educational Recording Agency Limited) (Amendment) Order 1994


2nd February 1994

Coming into force

1st April 1994

Whereas by virtue of the Copyright (Certification of Licensing Scheme for Educational Recording of Broadcasts and Cable Programmes) (Educational Recording Agency Limited) Order 1990(1) (“the Principal Order”) the Secretary of State certified for the purposes of section 35 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988(2) (“the Act”) the licensing scheme set out in the Schedule to the Principal Order, being a scheme operated by the Educational Recording Agency Limited;

And whereas the Principal Order was amended by the Copyright (Certification of Licensing Scheme for Educational Recording of Broadcasts and Cable Programmes) (Educational Recording Agency Limited) (Amendment) Order 1992(3) and the Copyright (Certification of Licensing Scheme for Educational Recording of Broadcasts and Cable Programmes) (Educational Recording Agency Limited) (Amendment) Order 1993(4);

And whereas the Educational Recording Agency Limited has applied to the Secretary of State for the Principal Order (as amended) to be further amended in accordance with article 2 of this Order;

Now, therefore, the Secretary of State, in exercise of powers conferred upon him by section 143 of the Act, hereby makes the following Order:—


S.I. 1990/879.


S.I. 1992/211.


S.I. 1993/193.