

17.—(a) Not less than 28 days before the date fixed for the hearing of an Application the applicant may (in writing) require the other party to indicate to the applicant within 14 days of the receipt of such requirement which of any facts set out in the statement or affidavit submitted in support of the Application are in dispute.Failure to reply to such a notice shall be material only in relation to the question of costs.

(b)Any party may by notice in writing at any time not later than nine days before the day fixed for the hearing call upon any other to admit any document and if such other party desires to challenge the authenticity of the document he shall within six days after service of such notice give notice that he does not admit the document and requires it to be proved at the hearing.

(c)If such other party refuses or neglects to give notice of non-admission within the time prescribed in the last preceding paragraph he shall be deemed to have admitted the document unless otherwise ordered by the Tribunal.

(d)Where a party gives notice of non-admission within the time prescribed by paragraph (b) of this Rule and the document is proved at the hearing, the costs of proving the document shall be paid by the party who has challenged the document whatever the Order of the Tribunal may be unless in their Findings the Tribunal shall find that there were reasonable grounds for not admitting the authenticity of the document.

(e)Where a party proves a document without having given notice to admit under paragraph (b) of this Rule no costs of proving the document shall be allowed on taxation unless otherwise directed by the Tribunal except where the omission to give notice to admit was in the opinion of the Taxing Master a saving expense.