Amendment of Schedule 110


Part 1 of Schedule 1 (other benefit which may be treated as if claimed in addition or in the alternative to the benefit claimed) shall be amended in accordance with the following provisions of this regulation.


For the words “Sickness benefit” and “Invalidity benefit” in column (1) and for the respective entries opposite those words in column (2) there shall be substituted–

Incapacity benefit

Severe disablement allowance.


For the entry in column (2) opposite the words “Unemployment benefit” in column (1) there shall be substituted–

Unemployability supplement or invalid care allowance.


For the entry in column (2) opposite the words “Severe disablement allowance” in column (1) there shall be substituted–

Incapacity benefit.


For the entry in column (2) opposite the words “An increase of unemployment benefit” in column (1) there shall be substituted–

An increase of invalid care allowance.


For the words “Sickness benefit for a woman” and “Invalidity benefit for a woman” in column (1) and for the respective entries opposite those words in column (2) there shall be substituted–

Incapacity benefit for a woman

Maternity allowance.


For the entry in column (2) opposite the words “Maternity allowance” in column (1) there shall be substituted–

Incapacity benefit or severe disablement allowance.


For the words “An increase of sickness benefit or invalidity pension” in column (1) there shall be substituted–

An increase of incapacity benefit.


For the entry in column (2) opposite the words “An increase of severe disablement allowance” in column (1) there shall be substituted–

An increase of incapacity benefit.