Evidence to be filed on a first application for receiver, etc

36.—(1) On the issue of a first application for the appointment of a receiver for a patient or for a short order or direction under rule 9 authorising any person to do any act or carry out any transaction on behalf of a patient without appointing him receiver, the applicant shall, unless the court or the Public Trustee otherwise directs, file a medical certificate and evidence of family and property.

(2) In this rule—

“a medical certificate” means a certificate by a registered medical practitioner that the patient is incapable, by reason of mental disorder, of managing and administering his property and affairs; and

“evidence of family and property” means a certificate or, if the court so orders in a particular case, an affidavit, giving particulars of the patient’s relatives, property and affairs and of the circumstances giving rise to the application.

(3) Rule 30(2) above applies to unsworn evidence of family and property as it applies to unsworn evidence generally.