Duties of occupier of establishment13


The occupier of an establishment shall take all necessary measures to ensure that, at all stages of production or rewrapping of meat products and other products of animal origin, these Regulations are complied with and shall carry out his own checks to ensure—


that critical points in the establishment relative to the process used are identified and acceptable to the enforcement authority; and


that methods for monitoring and controlling such critical points are established and acceptable to the enforcement authority; and


if samples are taken for the purpose of checking cleaning and disinfection or for the purpose of checking compliance with the standards prescribed in Schedule 1, Part II paragraph A.1, that they are analysed or examined as appropriate in a laboratory acceptable to the enforcement authority; and


that as far as is reasonable and practicable a record in permanent form is kept and made available to an authorised officer of the enforcement authority upon request, and is kept in respect of the matters specified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) above for a period of at least two years; in the case of meat products which cannot be stored at an ambient temperature, the period may be reduced to 6 months after the minimum durability date of the product; and


that health marking is controlled and carried out properly; and


hat the enforcement authority is notified immediately when a laboratory examination of samples or any other information at the occupier’s disposal reveals a health risk; and


in the event of an imminent health risk, the withdrawal from the market of the quantity of products obtained under technologically similar conditions and likely to present the same risk; any quantity of the products so withdrawn shall be held under the supervision and control of the enforcement authority until it is destroyed, used for purposes other than human consumption, or, with the agreement of the enforcement authority, reprocessed in a manner appropriate to ensure it is safe for human consumption.


The occupier of an establishment shall ensure that workers at the establishment are given instruction and training with regard to hygiene matters, but the instruction and training given to a worker need only be such as is appropriate to any task undertaken by the worker.