The Castle Vale Housing Action Trust (Transfer of Property) Order 1994

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order vests in the Castle Vale Housing Action Trust the housing and other land comprising part of the Castle Vale Estate which is currently vested in the council of the City of Birmingham (article 3).

The Order also sets the financial terms of the transfer (article 5).

The property transferred is in the area designated by the Castle Vale Housing Action Trust (Area and Constitution) Order 1993 which established the Castle Vale Housing Action Trust.

The map referred to in the Order is deposited and available for inspection at the offices of the Department of the Environment, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1 3EB, the council of the City of Birmingham, Louisa Ryland House, 44 Newhall Street, Birmingham B3 3PL and the Castle Vale Housing Action Trust, the Third Floor, South Wing, Castle Vale Comprehensive School, Farnborough Road, Birmingham B35 7NL.