Railway No.1.
A part (418 metres in length) of the railway of the Board at Chappel and Wakes Colne in the County of Essex in the Borough of Colchester described in the Colchester, Stour Valley, Sudbury and Halstead Railway Act 1846(1), (the boundaries of which are shown coloured red on the deposited plan) commencing at the southern side of the bridge carrying the public roadway known as Spring Gardens Road over the said railway and extending in a southerly direction to a point 80 metres south of the southern end of platform 2 of the Chappel and Wakes Colne railway station, together with the lands, works and conveniences situated within the said boundaries, which were demised by the Board to the Trading Company by the lease of 23rd April 1991.
Railway No.2.
The railways situated in the former goods yard of the Board and other lands on the east side of the Marks Tey to Sudbury railway of the Board at Chappel and Wakes Colne in the County of Essex (the boundaries of which former goods yard and lands are shown coloured green on the deposited plan) together with the lands, buildings works and conveniences situated within the said boundaries.