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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1994 with a subject starting with L has returned 111 results.

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TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type

Land Charges

The Land Charges (Amendment) Rules 19941994 No. 287UK Statutory Instruments
The Land Charges Fees (Amendment) Rules 19941994 No. 286UK Statutory Instruments

Land Drainage

The Alteration of Boundaries of the Newark Area and Upper Witham Internal Drainage Districts Order 19931994 No. 310UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19941994 No. 2012 (S. 91)UK Statutory Instruments
The National Rivers Authority (Alteration of Boundaries of the South Holland Internal Drainage District) Order 19931994 No. 723UK Statutory Instruments
The National Rivers Authority (Severn-Trent and Anglian Regional Flood Defence Committees Areas) (Boundaries) Order 19941994 No. 245UK Statutory Instruments
The Reconstitution of the Buckingham Internal Drainage Board Order 19941994 No. 2851UK Statutory Instruments
The Reconstitution of the Langport District Drainage Board Order 19941994 No. 1411UK Statutory Instruments

Land Registration, England and Wales

The Land Registration (Execution of Deeds) Rules 19941994 No. 1130UK Statutory Instruments
The Land Registration Fees Order 19941994 No. 1974UK Statutory Instruments

Land Registration, Scotland

The Land Registration (Scotland) Act 1979 (Commencement No.8) Order 19941994 No. 2588 (C. 56) (S. 124)UK Statutory Instruments

Landlord and Tenant, England and Wales

The Agricultural Holdings (Units of Production) Order 19941994 No. 2183UK Statutory Instruments
The Rent Act 1977 (Forms, etc.) (Welsh Forms and Particulars) (Amendment) Regulations 19941994 No. 725UK Statutory Instruments

Lands Tribunal

The Lands Tribunal for Scotland (Amendment) (Fees) Rules 19941994 No. 497 (S. 19)UK Statutory Instruments

Legal Aid and Advice, England

The Legal Advice and Assistance at Police Stations (Remuneration) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 19941994 No. 3303UK Statutory Instruments

Legal Aid and Advice, England and Wales

The Civil Legal Aid (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) Regulations 19941994 No. 806UK Statutory Instruments
The Civil Legal Aid (General) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 19941994 No. 1822UK Statutory Instruments
The Civil Legal Aid (General) (Amendment) Regulations 19941994 No. 229UK Statutory Instruments
The Legal Advice and Assistance (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 19941994 No. 1823UK Statutory Instruments
The Legal Advice and Assistance (Amendment) Regulations 19941994 No. 805UK Statutory Instruments

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