Lawful use for trade of equipment where stamps destroyed, obliterated or defaced—adjustment of price computing deviceI125


It shall be lawful to destroy, obliterate or deface a stamp on any measuring equipment, and it shall not be a contravention of section 11(2) of the Act to use such equipment for trade during the relevant period by reason only that a stamp on it has been lawfully destroyed, obliterated or defaced (such destruction, obliteration or defacement being in this regulation referred to as “the occurrence”) if—


the person responsible for the occurrence is, or is the duly authorised agent of, the proprietor of the equipment or a person who is the manufacturer, or is regularly engaged in the repair, of equipment for measuring liquid fuel;


the occurrence was confined to the stamp protecting the price computing device of the equipment and the stamp on the indicator of the price per gallon (or per half a gallon or per litre as the case may be);


the occurrence was only to permit an adjustment of that device and that indicator; and


notification in writing complying with paragraph (2) below of the occurrence has been given by the proprietor of the equipment or his duly authorised agent before the occurrence to the chief inspector of weights and measures for the area in which the equipment is situated.


The notification referred to in paragraph (1) above shall contain the following information—


the location of, and particulars by which, the equipment may be identified;


the intended date of the occurrence;


the business name and address of the proprietor or other person referred to in paragraph (1)(a) above; and


the name and address of the person giving the notification.


In paragraph (1) above “relevant period” means a period of 28 days beginning with the day on which the notification referred to in that paragraph is given in accordance with that paragraph.


On 1st October 1995, in paragraph (1) above for the words “per gallon (or per half a gallon or per litre as the case may be)” there shall be substituted the words “per litre”.