1.  Raw milk shall be subjected to regular checks and sampling to ascertain if water is being added to such milk.

2.  Such checks shall include regular checks on the freezing point of raw milk supplied by each production holding and shall be carried out in accordance with the following procedure:—

(a)raw milk supplied by each production holding shall be subjected regularly to random sampling;

(b)where the raw milk of a single production holding is delivered directly to a processing establishment or a treatment establishment, the samples for checking shall be taken—

(i)when the raw milk is collected from the production holding for transport to such establishment, provided that adequate precautions are taken to prevent any fraud during such transport of the raw milk; or

(ii)before unloading the raw milk at the processing establishment or treatment establishment, when the delivery there is made by the occupier of the production holding;

(c)where raw milk delivered to a processing establishment or treatment establishment consists of a mixture of raw milk obtained from more than one production holding, the samples for checking shall be taken—

(i)in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above, or

(ii)when the raw milk enters the dairy establishment, provided that spot checks are also carried out at the production holdings from which the raw milk was obtained; and

if the results of any of the checks on a sample of such mixture of raw milk lead to a suspicion that water has been added to such milk, samples for checking shall be taken from all the production holdings from which the raw milk was obtained.