1995 No. 16

The Fertilisers (Amendment) Regulations 1995

Laid before Parliament
Coming into force
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Secretary of State for Wales, acting jointly, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by sections 66(1), 68(1), (2) and (3), 69(1), (3), (6) and (7), 70(1), 74(1), 74A(1), (2) and (4) and 84 of the Agriculture Act 19701 and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, after consultation in accordance with Section 84(1) of the said Act with such persons or organisations as appear to them to represent the interests concerned, and the Secretary of State, being the Minister designated2 for the purposes of Section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 19723 in relation to the regulation and control of classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by the said Section 2(2), and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby make the following Regulations:

Title, commencement and interpretation



These Regulations may be cited as the Fertilisers (Amendment) Regulations 1995 and shall come into force on 30th January 1995.


In these Regulations “the principal Regulations” means the Fertilisers Regulations 19914.

Amendment of the principal Regulations


The principal Regulations are hereby amended in accordance with regulations 3 and 4 below.



After regulation 3 there shall be inserted the following regulation:


No person shall sell for the final use by the purchaser as a fertiliser any Ammonium nitrate as defined in column (3) of Section A of the table in Schedule 1 which, not being designated as an EEC fertiliser, contains more than 28% by weight of nitrogen, unless the material is in a container which complies with the provisions of Part II of Schedule 2.”


In regulation 4—


in paragraph (1), the words “or have in possession with a view to sale” shall be deleted;


in paragraph (3), for the words “the intending purchaser” there shall be substituted the words “any intending purchaser”.


In the table in Schedule 1—


In Group 1(a) of Section A (“STRAIGHT FERTILISERS”)—


in the provisions relating to Ammonium nitrate, in column (3) (“Meaning”) the words “is designated as an EEC fertiliser and” shall be deleted;


after the provisions relating to the material Nitrate of lime and magnesium, there shall be inserted in columns (2) to (4) the following provisions:

“Magnesium nitrate.

When marketed in the form of crystals a note “in crystallised form” may be added.

Chemically obtained product containing as its essential ingredient hexahydrated magnesium nitrate and containing not less than 10% nitric nitrogen (N) and 14% magnesium oxide (MgO).

Amount of:—

nitric nitrogen;

magnesium oxide soluble in water.”


after the provisions relating to the material Urea, there shall be inserted in columns (2) to (4) the contents of Schedule 1 to these Regulations;




at the end of the provisions relating to the materials itemised in Group 1, there shall be added in columns (2) to (4) the contents of Schedule 2 to these Regulations;


at the end of the provisions relating to the materials itemised in Group 2, there shall be added in columns (2) to (4) the contents of Schedule 3 to these Regulations; and


at the end of the provisions relating to the materials itemised in Group 3, there shall be added in columns (2) to (4) the contents of Schedule 4 to these Regulations;




in Group 1(a), after the provisions relating to the material Calcium nitrate solution, there shall be inserted in columns (2) to (4) the following provisions:

“Magnesium nitrate solution.

Product obtained chemically and by dissolving magnesium nitrate in water and containing not less than 6% nitrogen (N) and 9% magnesium oxide (MgO). The pH should be not less than 4.

Amount of:—

nitric nitrogen;

magnesium oxide soluble in water.”


for the provisions relating to the materials itemised in Group 2, other than the materials PK fertiliser solution and PK fertiliser suspension, there shall be substituted the contents of Schedule 5 to these Regulations;




for the heading and the provisions relating to the materials itemised in Group 1, there shall be substituted the contents of Schedule 6 to these Regulations;


above the provisions relating to the materials itemised in Group 2, there shall be added the heading “FERTILISERS CONTAINING A MIXTURE OF TRACE ELEMENTS”;


in the provisions relating to the materials itemised in Group 2—


in column (1), for the figure “2” there shall be substituted the figure “8”;


in column (3), for the words “Product of two or more of the products listed in (1) above” there shall be substituted the words “Mixture of two or more of the trace elements listed in Group 1 above”;




for the heading there shall be substituted the heading “SECTION E: SECONDARY NUTRIENTS FERTILISERS”;


after the provisions relating to the material Magnesium sulphate, there shall be inserted in columns (2) to (4) the following provisions:

“Magnesium sulphate solution.

The usual trade names may be added.

Product obtained by dissolution in water of magnesium sulphate of industrial origin containing not less than 5% magnesium oxide (MgO) and not less than 10% sulphur trioxide (SO3).

Amount of:—

water-soluble magnesium oxide.

Optional declarations

Amount of water-soluble sulphur trioxide.”

Angela Browning
Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
James Douglas-Hamilton
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Scottish Office

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Wales

Gwilym Jones
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Welsh Office


Regulation 4(a)(iii)

“Crotonylidene diurea

Product obtained by reaction of urea with crotonaldehyde. Monomeric compound containing not less than 28% nitrogen (N),, at least 25% nitrogen from the crotonylidene diurea. Maximum ureic nitrogen content: 3%

Amount of—

total nitrogen;

ureic nitrogen where this is at least 1% by weight;

nitrogen from crotonylidene diurea

Isobutylidene diurea

Product obtained by reaction of urea with isobutyraldehyde. Monomeric compound containing not less than 28% nitrogen (N),, at least 25% nitrogen from the isobutylidene diurea. Maximum ureic nitrogen content: 3%

Amount of—

total nitrogen;

ureic nitrogen where this is at least 1% by weight;

nitrogen from isobutylidene diurea

Urea formaldehyde

Product obtained by reaction of urea with formaldehyde and containing as its essential ingredients molecules of urea formaldehyde. Polymeric compound containing not less than 36% nitrogen (N). At least 60% of the declared total nitrogen content must be soluble in hot water. At least 31% N from urea formaldehyde and a maximum ureic nitrogen content of 5%

Amount of—

total nitrogen;

ureic nitrogen where this is at least 1% by weight;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde that is soluble in cold water;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde that is soluble only in hot water

Nitrogenous fertiliser containing crotonylidene diurea

Product obtained chemically containing crotonylidene diurea and a straight nitrogen fertiliser [Group 1(a) of Section A of Schedule 1 of The Fertilisers Regulations 19915 excluding calcium cyanamide, nitrogenous calcium cyanamide, ammonium nitrate and calcium ammonium nitrate] containing not less than 18% nitrogen (N). At least 3% N in ammoniacal and/or nitric and/or ureic form. At least ⅓ of the declared total nitrogen content must be derived from crotonylidene diurea. Maximum biuret content: (ureic N + crotonylidene diurea N) × 0.026

Amount of—

total nitrogen;

for each form amounting to at least 1%:

  • nitric nitrogen

  • ammoniacal nitrogen

  • ureic nitrogen;

nitrogen from crotonylidene diurea

Nitrogenous fertiliser containing isobutylidene diurea

Product obtained chemically containing isobutylidene diurea and a straight nitrogen fertiliser [Group 1(a) of Section A of Schedule 1 of The Fertilisers Regulations 19916 excluding calcium cyanamide, nitrogenous calcium cyanamide, ammonium nitrate and calcium ammonium nitrate], containing not less than 18% nitrogen (N). At least 3% N in ammoniacal and/or nitric and/or ureic form. At least ⅓ of the declared total nitrogen content must be derived from isobutylidene diurea. Maximum biuret content: (ureic N + isobutylidene diurea N) × 0.026

Amount of—

total nitrogen;

for each form amounting to at least 1%:

  • nitric nitrogen

  • ammoniacal nitrogen

  • ureic nitrogen;

nitrogen from isobutylidene diurea

Nitrogenous fertiliser containing urea formaldehyde

Product obtained chemically containing urea formaldehyde and a straight nitrogenous fertiliser [Group 1(a) of Section A of Schedule 1 of The Fertilisers Regulations 19916 excluding calcium cyanamide, nitrogenous calcium cyanamide, ammonium nitrate and calcium ammonium nitrate], containing not less than 18% nitrogen (N). At least 3% N in ammoniacal and/or nitric and/or ureic form. At least ⅓ of the declared total nitrogen content must be derived from urea formaldehyde. The nitrogen from urea formaldehyde must contain ⅓ nitrogen soluble in hot water. Maximum biuret content: (ureic N + urea formaldehyde N) × 0.026

Amount of—

For each form amounting to at least 1%:

  • nitric nitrogen

  • ammoniacal nitrogen

  • ureic nitrogen;

amount of:—

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde that is soluble in cold water;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde that is soluble only in hot water

Ammonium sulphate with dicyandiamide (nitrification inhibitor)

Chemically obtained product containing ammonium sulphate and dicyandiamide and containing not less than 20% nitrogen (N). The minimum ammoniacal nitrogen content should be 18% and the minimum content from dicyandiamide should be 1.5%

Amount of—

total nitrogen;

ammoniacal nitrogen;

nitrogen from dicyandiamide.

Technical information(1)

Ammonium sulphonitrate with dicyandiamide (nitrification inhibitor)

Chemically obtained product containing ammonium sulphonitrate and dicyandiamide and containing not less than 24% nitrogen (N). The minimum nitric nitrogen content should be 3% and the maximum content from dicyandiamide should be 1.5%

Amount of—

total nitrogen;

nitric nitrogen;

ammoniacal nitrogen;

nitrogen from dicyandiamide.

Technical information”(1)


Technical information as complete as possible must be provided with each package or bulk consignment by the person responsible for marketing. This information must in particular enable the user to determine the rates and timing of application in relation to the crop being grown.


Regulation 4(b)(i)

“NPK fertilisers containing crotonylidene diurea or isobutylidene diurea or urea formaldehyde (as appropriate)

Product obtained chemically without addition of organic nutrients of animal or vegetable origin and containing crotonylidene diurea or isobutylidene diurea or urea formaldehyde.

Containing by weight:


not less than 5% nitrogen (N)


not less than 5% phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)


not less than 5% potassium oxide (K2O).

The sum of the three nutrients must not be less than 20%.

At least 25% of the declared content of total nitrogen must derive from crotonylidene diurea, or isobutylidene diurea or urea formaldehyde.

At least 60% of the declared nitrogen content from urea formaldehyde must be soluble in hot water.

The product must not contain Thomas slag, calcined phosphate, aluminium-calcium phosphate, partially solubilised natural phosphate or natural phosphate.

The P2O5 content soluble only in mineral acids must not exceed 2%

Nitrogen (N)

Amount of:—

total nitrogen;

amount where equal to or greater than 1% by weight of:


nitric nitrogen


ammoniacal nitrogen


ureic nitrogen;

nitrogen, where appropriate, from


crotonylidene diurea or


isobutylidene diurea or


urea formaldehyde;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde that is only soluble in hot water;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde that is soluble in cold water

Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)

Where phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water is less than 2%, amount of:—


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in neutral ammonium citrate

Where phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water is equal to or greater than 2%, amount of:—


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and in water


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water

Potassium oxide (K2O)

Amount of potassium soluble in water

Optional declarations

Amount of chlorine.

Where the chlorine content is not greater than 2% the statement ‘low in chlorine’ may be made”


Regulation 4(b)(ii)

“NP fertilisers containing crotonylidene diurea or isobutylidene diurea or urea formaldehyde (as appropriate)

Product obtained chemically without addition of organic nutrients of animal or vegetable origin and containing crotonylidene diurea or isobutylidene diurea or urea formaldehyde.

Containing by weight:—


not less than 5% nitrogen (N)


not less than 5% phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)

The sum of the two nutrients must be not less than 18% by weight.

At least 25% of the declared content of total nitrogen must derive from crotonylidene diurea,, or isobutylidene diurea or urea formaldehyde.

At least 60% of the declared nitrogen content from urea formaldehyde must be soluble in hot water.

The product must not contain Thomas slag, calcined phosphate, aluminium-calcium phosphate, partially solubilised natural phosphate or natural phosphate.

The P2O5 content soluble only in mineral acids must not exceed 2%

Amount of—

total nitrogen;

amount where equal to or greater than 1% by weight of:—


nitric nitrogen


ammoniacal nitrogen


ureic nitrogen;

nitrogen, where appropriate, from


crotonylidene diurea or


isobutylidene diurea or


urea formaldehyde;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde that is soluble only in hot water;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde that is soluble in cold water

Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)

Where phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water is less than 2%, amount of:—


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in neutral ammonium citrate

Where phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water is equal to or greater than 2% amount of:—


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and in water


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water”


Regulation 4(b)(iii)

“NK fertilisers containing crotonylidene diurea or isobutylidene diurea or urea formaldehyde (as appropriate)

Product obtained chemically without addition of organic nutrients of animal or vegetable origin and containing crotonylidene diurea or isobutylidene diurea or urea formaldehyde.

Containing by weight:—


not less than 5% nitrogen (N)


not less than 5% potassium oxide (K2O)

The sum of the two nutrients must be not less than 18% by weight.

At least 25% of the declared content of total nitrogen must derive from crotonylidene diurea, or isobutylidene diurea or urea formaldehyde.

At least 60% of the declared nitrogen content from urea formaldehyde must be soluble in hot water

Nitrogen (N)

Amount of:—

total nitrogen;

amount where equal to or greater than 1% weight of:—


nitric nitrogen


ammoniacal nitrogen


ureic nitrogen;

nitrogen, where appropriate, from


crotonylidene diurea or


isobutylidene diurea or


urea formaldehyde;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde that is soluble only in hot water;

nitrogen from urea formaldehyde this is soluble in cold water.

Potassium Oxide (K22O)

Potassium oxide soluble in water. The indication ‘low in chlorine’ is linked to a maximum content of 2% chlorine (Cl). Chlorine content may be declared”


Regulation 4(c)(ii)


NPK fertiliser solution

Product obtained chemically and by dissolution in water, in a form stable at atmospheric pressure, without addition of organic nutrients of animal or vegetable origin, containing by weight:


Not less than 2% nitrogen (N)


Not less than 3% phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)


Not less than 3% potassium oxide (K2O)

The sum of the three nutrients must be not less than 15% by weight

Maximum biuret content: N × 0.026

Nitrogen (N)

EEC Fertiliser

Other than EEC fertiliser

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount where equal to or greater than 1% by weight of:—


nitric nitrogen


ammoniacal nitrogen


ureic nitrogen


cyanamide nitrogen

Amount of:—

ureic nitrogen, save that a declaration of 10% or less need not be made

N 1.1

As set out in paragraph 7 of this Schedule

N 0.5

Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)

Amount of phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water

P2O5 1.1

P2O5 0.5

Potassium Oxide (K2O)

Amount of potassium oxide soluble in water

K2O 1.1

N + P2O5 +K2O 1.9

K2O 0.5

Optional declarations

Where the biuret content is less than 0.2% the statement “low in buret” may be made. Amount of chlorine. Where the chlorine content is not greater than 2% the statement “low in chlorine” may be made

Cl 0.2

NPK fertiliser suspension

Product in fluid form, in which the nutrients are derived from substances both in suspension in water and in solution without addition of organic nutrients of animal or vegetable origin, containing by weight:


not less than 3% nitrogen (N)


not less than 4% phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)


not less than 4% potassium oxide (K2O)

The sum of the three nutrients must not be less than 20% by weight

Maximum biuret content: N × 0.026

The fertiliser must not contain Thomas slag, aluminium-calcium phosphate, calcined phosphates, partially solubilised phosphates, or natural phosphates.

Nitrogen (N)

EEC Fertiliser

Other than EEC fertiliser

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount where equal to or greater than 1% by weight of:—


nitric nitrogen


ammoniacal nitrogen


ureic nitrogen


cyanamide nitrogen

Amount of:—

ureic nitrogen, save that a declaration of 18% or less need not be made

N 1.1

As set out in paragraph 7 of this Schedule

N 0.5

Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)

Where phosphorous pentoxide soluble in water is less than 2%, amount of:—


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in neutral ammonium citrate

Where phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water is equal to or greater than 2%, amount of:—


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and in water


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water

As set out in paragraph 7(a) of this Schedule

P2O5 1.1

P2O5 0.5

Potassium Oxide (K2O)

Amount of potassium oxide soluble in water

K2O 1.1

N + P2O5 + K2O 1.9

K2O 0.5

Optional declarations

Where the biuret content is less than 0.2% the statement “low in biuret” may be made.

Amount of chlorine. Where the chlorine content is not greater than 2% the statement “low in chlorine” may be made.

C1 0.2

NP fertiliser solution

Product obtained chemically and by dissolution in water, in a form stable at atmospheric pressure, without addition of organic nutrients of animal or vegetable origin, containing by weight:


not less than 3% nitrogen (N)


not less than 5% phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)

The sum of the two nutrients must not be less than 18% by weight

The maximum biuret content is ureic N × 0.026

Nitrogen (N)

EEC Fertiliser

Other than EEC fertiliser

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount where equal to or greater than 1% by weight of:—


nitric nitrogen


ammoniacal nitrogen


ureic nitrogen


cyanamide nitrogen

Amount of:—

ureic nitrogen, save that a declaration of 10% or less need not be made

N 1.1

As set out in paragraph 7 of this Schedule

N 0.5

Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)

Amount of phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water

P2O5 1.1

N + P2O5 1.5

P2O5 0.5

Optional declaration

Where the biuret content is less than 0.2% the statement “low in biuret” may be made

NP fertiliser suspension

Product in fluid form, in which the nutrients are derived from substances both in solution and in suspension in water, without addition of organic nutrients of animal or vegetable origin, containing by weight:


not less than 3% nitrogen (N)


not less than 5% phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)

The sum of the two nutrients must not be lass than 18% by weight

The maximum biuret content is ureic N × 0.026

The fertiliser may not contain Thomas slaag, aluminium calcium phosphate, calcined phosphate, partially solubilised phosphate or natural phosphates

Nitrogen (N)

EEC Fertiliser

Other than EEC fertiliser

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount where equal to or greater than 1% by weight of:—


nitric nitrogen


ammoniacal nitrogen


ureic nitrogen


cyanamide nitrogen

Amount of:—

ureic nitrogen, save that a declaration of 10% or less need not be made

N 1.1

As set out in paragraph 7 of this Schedule

N 0.5

Where phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water is less than 2%, amount of:—

Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)1.

Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in neutral ammonium citrate

As set out in paragraph 7 of this Schedule

Where phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water is equal to or greater than 2% amount of:


Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and in water


Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water

P2O5 1.1

P2O5 0.5

N + P2O5 1.5

Optional Declaration

Where biuret content is less than 0.2% the statement “low in biuret” may be made

NK Fertiliser solution

Product obtained chemically and by dissolution in water, in a form stable at atmospheric pressure, without addition of organic products on animal or vegetable origin, containing by weight:


not less than 3% nitrogen (N)


not less than 5% potasium oxide (K2O)

The sum of the two nutrients must not be less than 15%

The maximum biuret content shall be ureic N × 0.026

Nitrogen (N)

EEC Fertiliser

Other than EEC fertiliser

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount where equal to or greater than 1% by weight of:—


nitric nitrogen


ammoniacal nitrogen


ureic nitrogen


cyanamide nitrogen

Amount of:—

ureic nitrogen, save that a declaration of 10% or less need not be made

N 1.1

As set out in paragraph 7 of this Schedule

N 0.5

Potassium Oxide (K2O)

Amount of potassium oxide soluble in water

K2O 1.1

N + K2O 1.5

K2O 0.5

Optional declarations

Amount of chlorine

Where the chlorine content is not greater than 2%, the statement “low in chlorine” may be made

Where the biuret content is less tan 0.2%, the statement “low in biuret” may be made

Cl 0.2

NK fertiliser suspension

Product in fluid form, in which the nutrients are derived from substances both in solution and in suspension in the water, without addition of organic nutrients of animal or vegetable origin, containing by weight:


not less than 3% nitrogen (N)


not less than 5% potassium oxide (K2O)

The sum of the two nutrients must not be less than 18% by weight

The maximum biuret content shall be ureic N × 0.026

Nitrogen (N)

EEC Fertiliser

Other than EEC fertiliser

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount of:—

total nitrogen

Amount where equal to or greater than 1% by weight of:—


nitric nitrogen


ammoniacal nitrogen


ureic nitrogen


cyanamide nitrogen

Amount of:—

ureic nitrogen, save that a declaration of 10% or less need not be made

N 1.1

As set out in paragraph 7 of this Schedule

N 0.5

Potassium Oxide (K2O)

Amount of potassium oxide soluble in water


N + K2O 1.5

K2O 0.5

Optional declarations

Amount of chlorine

Where the chlorine content is not greater than 2%, the statement “low in chlorine” may be made

Where the biuret content is less than 0.2%, the statement “low in biuret” may be made

Cl 0.2”


Regulation 4(d)(i)


Explanatory note: The following notes are applicable to the whoe of Section D

Note 1: A chelating agent may be designated by means of its initials as set out in Table 2 to Schedule 2

Note 2: If the product leaves not solid residue after being dissolved in water it may be described as “for dissolution”

Note 3: Where a trace element is present in a chelated form, the pH range guaranteeing acceptable stability of the chelated fraction shall be stated.



Name of Material



Limits of variation (absolute value in percentage by weight, except where otherwise specified)








Boric acid

The usual trade names may be added

Product obtained by the action of an acid on a borate and containing not less than 14% water-soluble boron (B)

Amount of:—

boron soluble in water



Sodium borate

The usual trade names may be added

Chemically obtained product containing as its essential component sodium borate and containing not less than 10% water-soluble boron (B)

Amount of:—

boron soluble in water



Calcium borate

The usual trade names may be added

Product obtained from colemanite or pandermite containing as its essential ingredient calcium borates and not less than 7% total boron (B)

Not less than 98% of the particulars should be able to pass through a 0.063mm sieve

Amount of:—

total boron



Boron ethanol amine

Product obtained by reacting a boric acid with an ethanol amine containing not less than 8% water soluble boron(B)

Amount of:—

boron soluble in water



Borated fertiliser in solution

The designation must include the names of the constituents present

Product obtained by dissolving types 1a and/or 1b and/or 1d in water and containing not less than 2% water-soluble boron (B)

Amount of:—

boron soluble in water



Borated fertiliser in suspension

The designation must include the names of the constituents present

Product obtained by suspending types 1a and/or 1b and/or 1d in water and containing not less than 2% boron (B)

Amount of:—

boron soluble in water




Cobalt salt

The designation must contain the name of the mineral anion

Chemically obtained product containing a mineral salt of cobalt as its essential ingredient and containing not less than 19% water-soluble cobalt (Co)

Amount of:—

cobalt soluble in water



Cobalt chelate

The designation must contain the name of the chelating agent

Water-soluble product obtained by combining cobalt chemically with a chelating agent and containing not less than 2% water-soluble cobalt (Co), at least 80% of the declared value of which has been chelated

Amount of:—

cobalt soluble in water;

chelated cobalt




Cobalt fertiliser solution

The designation must include the name(s) of the mineral anion(s) and the name of any chelating agent if present

Product obtained by dissolving types 2a and/or one of the type 2b in water and containing not less than 2% water-soluble cobalt

Amount of:—

cobalt soluble in water;

chelated cobalt if present





Copper salt

The designation must contain the name of the mineral anion

Chemically obtained product containing a mineral salt of copper as its essential ingredient and containing not less than 20% water-soluble copper (Cu)

Amount of:—

copper soluble in water



Copper oxide

Chemically obtained product containing copper oxide as its essential ingredient of which at least 98% will pass through a 0.063mm sieve and containing not less than 70% copper

Amount of:—

total copper



Copper hydroxide

Chemically obtained product containing copper hydroxide as its essential ingredient of which at lest 98% will pas through a 0.063mm sieve and containing not less than 45% copper

Amount of:—

total copper



Copper chelate

The designation must contain the name of the chelating agent

Water-soluble product obtained by combining copper chemically with a chelating agent and containing not less than 9% water-soluble copper (Cu), at least 80% of the declared value of which has been chelated

Amount of:—

copper soluble in water;

chelated copper




Copper based fertiliser

The designation must include the name(s) of the mineral anion(s) and the name of any chelating agent if present

Product obtained by mixing types 3a and/or 3b and/or 3c and/or a single one of type 3d and, if required, filler that is neither nutrient nor toxic and containing not less than 5% total copper

Amount of:—

total copper; copper soluble in water if this accounts for at least 25% of the total copper; chelated copper if present



Copper fertiliser solution

The designation must include the name(s) of the mineral anion(s) and the name of any chelating agent if present

Product obtained by dissolving types 3a and/or 3d in water and containing not less than 3% water-soluble copper

Amount of:—

copper soluble in water;

chelated copper if present




Copper oxychloride

Chemically obtained product containing copper oxychloride [Cu2C1(OH)3] as an essential ingredient of which at least 98% will pass through a 0.063mm sieve and containing not less than 50% total copper (Cu)

Amount of:—

total copper



Copper oxychloride suspension

Product obtained by suspension of type 3g and containing not less than 17% total copper (Cu)

Amount of:—

total copper




Iron salt

The designation must contain the name of the mineral anion

Chemically obtained product containing a mineral salt of iron as its essential ingredient and containing not less than 12% water-soluble iron (Fe)

Amount of:—

iron soluble in water



Iron chelate

The designation must contain the name of the chelating agent

Water-soluble product obtained by combining iron chemically with a chelating agent and containing not less than 5% water-soluble iron (Fe), at least 80% of the declared value of which has been chelated

Amount of:—

iron soluble in water;

chelated iron




Iron fertiliser solution

The designation must include the name(s) of the mineral anion(s) and the name of any chelating agent if present

Product obtained by dissolving types 4a and/or one of the type 4b in water and containing not less than 2% water-soluble iron

Amount of:—

iron soluble in water;

chelated iron if present





Manganese salt

The designation must contain the name of the mineral anion

Chemically obtained product containing a mineral salt of manganese (Mn II) as its essential ingredient and containing not less than 17% water-soluble manganese

Amount of:—

manganese soluble in water



Manganese chelate

The designation must contain the name of the chelating agent

Water-soluble product obtained by combining manganese chemically with a chelating agent and containing not less 5% water-soluble manganese (Mn) at least 80% of the declared value of which has been chelated

Amount of:—

manganese soluble in water;

chelated manganese




Manganese oxide

Chemically obtained product containing manganese oxides as its essential ingredient of which at least 80% will pass through a 0.063mm sieve and containing not less 40% manganese (Mn)

Amount of:—

total manganese (Mn)



Manganese based fertiliser

The designation must include the name of the manganese components

Product obtained by mixing types 5a and 5c containing not less than 17% total manganese (Mn)

Amount of:—

total manganese; manganese soluble in water if this accounts for at least 25% of the total manganese



Manganese based fertiliser solution

The designation must include the name(s) of the mineral anion(s) and the name of any chelating agent if present

Product obtained by dissolving types 5a and/or one of type 5b in water and containing not less than 3% water-soluble manganese (Mn)

Amount of:—

manganese soluble in water;

chelated manganese if present





Sodium molybdate

Chemically obtained product containing sodium molybdate as its main ingredient and containing not less than 35% water-soluble molybdenum (Mo)

Amount of:—

molybdenum soluble in water



Ammonium molybdate

Chemically obtained product containing ammonium molybdate as its main ingredient and containing not less than 50% water-soluble molybdenum (Mo)

Amount of:—

molybdenum soluble in water



Molybednum based fertiliser

The designation must include the names of the molybednum components

Product obtained by mixing types 6a and 6b containing not less than 35% total water-soluble molybednum (Mo)

Amount of:—

molybednum soluble in water



Molybednum based fertiliser solution

The designation must include the name(s) of the molybdenum component(s)

Product obtained by dissolving types 6a and/or one of the type 6b in water and containing not less 3% water-soluble molybednum (Mo)

Amount of:—

molybednum soluble in water




Zinc salt

The designation must contain the name of the mineral anion

Chemically obtained product containing a mineral salt of zinc as its essential ingredient and containing not less than 15% water-soluble zinc (Zn)

Amount of:—

zinc soluble in water



Zinc chelate

The designation must contain the name of the chelating agent

Water-soluble product obtained by combining zinc chemically with a chelating agent and containing not less than 5% water-soluble zinc (Zn) at least 80% of the declared value of which has been chelated

Amount of:—

zinc soluble in water;

Chelated zinc




Zinc oxide

Chemically obtained product containing zinc oxide as its essential ingredient of which at least 80% will pass through a 0.063mm sieve and containing not less than 70% zinc (Zn)

Amount of:—

total zinc



Zinc based fertiliser

The designation must include the name of the zinc components

Product obtained by mixing types 7a and 7c containing not less than 30% total zinc (Zn)

Amount of:—

total zinc; zinc soluble in water if this accounts for at least 25% of the total zinc



Zinc fertiliser solution

The designation must include the name(s) of the mineral anion(s) and the name of any chelating agent if present

Product obtained by dissolving types 7a and/or one of type 7b in water and containing not less than 3% water-soluble zinc (Zn)

Amount of:—

zinc soluble in water;

Chelated zinc if present



(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Fertilisers Regulations 1991 (“the principal Regulations”) and implement Commission Directive 93/69/EEC (OJ No. L185, 28.7.93, p. 30) adapting to technical progress Council Directive 76/116/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to fertilisers.

The Regulations amend Schedule 1 to the principal Regulations, which relates to prescribed descriptions of material, meanings of names, particulars and information to be contained in the statutory statement and limits of variation, as regards fertilisers specified in the Table to that Schedule by—


specifying additional fertilisers which may, in accordance with Commission Directive 93/69, be designated as “EEC fertilisers” (regulation 4(a)(ii) and (iii), (b), (c)(i), (d)(i) and (e)(ii) and Schedules 1 to 4 and 6);


making minor drafting and textual amendments (regulation 4(d)(ii) and (iii) and (e)(i)); and


adding explanatory notes in Section D of that Schedule (regulation 4(d)(i)).

Regulation 3(1) adds a provision to the principal Regulations prohibiting the sale, in specified circumstances, of Ammonium nitrate containing more than 28% by weight of nitrogen, as a fertiliser not designated as an EEC fertiliser, unless certain labelling and packaging requirements are met.

Regulation 3(2) makes minor amendments to regulation 4 of the principal Regulations. Regulation 4(c)(ii) replaces part of Group 2 of Section C of Schedule 1 of the principal Regulations with the contents of Schedule 5, in order to improve presentation.