Affixing of ce marking etc

CE Marking to be affixed to appliances and fitting certificate to be supplied with fittings

25.—(1) In accordance with the preceding provisions of these Regulations, there shall be affixed by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community, to each appliance (or on a data plate securely affixed to the appliance) in a visible, easily legible and indelible form—

(a)the CE Marking by way of confirmation—

(i)that the appliance conforms with a type in respect of which an EC type-examination certificate is in force in accordance with these Regulations, or

(ii)that an EC certificate of conformity has been issued by it in accordance with these Regulations in respect of the appliance;

(b)the name (or, if it enables him to be identified, the trade name, trade mark or other identification symbol) of—

(i)the manufacturer of the appliance, if he is established in the Community; or

(ii)his authorised representative established in the Community, if he is not so established;

(c)the trade name of the appliance;

(d)the type of any electrical supply to be used in connection with the appliance;

(e)the appliance category; and

(f)the last 2 digits of the year in which the CE Marking was affixed.

(2) No person shall affix to an appliance any markings likely to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE Marking affixed in accordance with these Regulations or which reduces the visibility or legibility of the CE Marking so affixed.

(3) A data plate shall be so designed that it cannot be re-used.

(4) In the case of a fitting, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community shall, in accordance with the preceding provisions of these Regulations, issue a certificate (which may relate to a number of identical fittings and is, in these Regulations, called a “fitting certificate”) by way of confirmation that the fitting to which the certificate relates conforms with the provisions of these Regulations which relate to it; and a fitting certificate shall describe—

(a)the characteristics of the fitting; and

(b)the manner in which the fitting is to be incorporated into an appliance, or in which it and other fittings are to be assembled, in order to comply with the essential requirements,

and it shall be the duty of the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community to supply a copy of the certificate with the fitting.

Conformity with other Directives

26.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2) below, where the appliance is the subject of Community Directives other than the Directive, in addition to the Directive, which provide among other things for the affixing of the CE Marking, the CE Marking, affixed in relation to the Directive shall indicate that the appliance conforms to the provisions of those other Community Directives.

(2) Where any of the said Community Directives referred to in paragraph (1) above allows the manufacturer during a transitional period, to choose which arrangements apply, the CE Marking shall indicate conformity only to the Community Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, particulars of the Community Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the Community Directives and accompanying such appliances.