

Public service bodies

24.  Where a contracting authority, other than one which is a contracting authority only by reason of being a GATT contracting authority, grants to a person other than a contracting authority special or exclusive rights to carry on a service for the benefit of the public, it shall impose an express duty on that person not to discriminate in seeking offers in relation to, or in awarding, a contract for the purchase or hire of goods on the grounds of nationality against a person who is a national of and established in a relevant State or on the grounds that the goods to be supplied under the contract originate in another relevant State.

Statistical and other reports

25.—(1) A GATT contracting authority shall, no later than 31st July in each year, send to the Treasury a report specifying—

(a)in relation to each public supply contract awarded by it during the reporting period—

(i)the value (estimated if necessary) of the consideration payable under the contract;

(ii)whether the open, restricted or negotiated procedure was used;

(iii)if the negotiated procedure was used, pursuant to which provision of regulation 10(2) that procedure was used;

(iv)the type of goods purchased or hired or to be purchased or hired under the contract; and

(v)the nationality of the person to whom the contract was awarded; and

(b)the aggregate value (estimated if necessary) of the consideration payable under the public supply contracts excluded from the operation of these Regulations by regulation 7 and awarded by it during the reporting period.

(2) A contracting authority which is not a GATT contracting authority shall, no later than 31st July 1995 and 31st July in each alternate year thereafter, send to the Treasury a report specifying in relation to each public supply contract awarded by it during the reporting period the information specified in paragraph (1)(a)(i) to (v) above.

(3) A contracting authority shall send to the Treasury a report containing such other information as the Treasury may from time to time require in respect of a particular public supply contract (including public supply contracts excluded from the application of these Regulations by regulations 6 and 7) for the purposes of informing the Commission.

(4) In this regulation “the reporting period” means the year preceding the year in which the reports referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) above are to be made.

Responsibility for obtaining reports

26.—(1) Where a contracting authority is not a Minister of the Crown or a government department, that contracting authority shall send any report which it is required in accordance with regulations 8(6), 10(6), 21(8), 23(3) and 25 to send to the Treasury instead to the Minister responsible for that contracting authority and that Minister shall be responsible for sending the report to the Treasury.

(2) The Minister responsible for a contracting authority shall be the Minister of the Crown whose areas of responsibility are most closely connected with the functions of the contracting authority; and any question as to which Minister of the Crown’s areas of responsibility are most closely connected with the functions of a contracting authority shall be determined by the Treasury whose determination shall be final.

(3) The requirement on a contracting authority to send any report in accordance with paragraph (1) above to the Minister of the Crown responsible for that contracting authority shall be enforceable, on the application of the Minister responsible, by mandamus or, in Scotland, for an order for specific performance.

(4) Proceedings under paragraph (3) above brought in Scotland shall be brought before the Court of Session.

(5) In the application of this regulation to Northern Ireland references to the Minister shall include references to the head of a Northern Ireland department.

Publication of notices

27.—(1) Any notice required by these Regulations to be sent to the Official Journal shall be sent by the most appropriate means to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities(1) and where the contracting authority is applying the restricted procedure or the negotiated procedure and, for reasons of urgency, is applying the provisions of regulations 12(14) and 13(4), the notice shall be sent by telex, telegram or facsimile.

(2) Any such notice shall not contain more than 650 words.

(3) The contracting authority shall retain evidence of the date of despatch to the Official Journal of each notice.

(4) The contracting authority shall not place a contract notice in the press or like publications in the United Kingdom before the date on which the notice is despatched in accordance with paragraph (1) above and if it does, after that date, so place the notice it shall not add to the notice any information in relation to the public supply contract which was not contained in the notice sent to the Official Journal except that it shall mention the date on which that notice was despatched.


28.  A contracting authority may require a supplier to indicate in his tender what part of the contract he intends to sub-contract to another person.


The address for the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities is 2 Rue Mercier, L 2985, Luxembourg (tel: 499 28-1; telex: 1324 PUBOF LU; fax: 49 00 03, 49 57 19).