Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order brings into force on 1st January 1996 all the provisions of the Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995 other than section 50 and Schedule 5. That Act consolidates Part V of the Transport Act 1968 and related provisions concerning goods vehicle operator licensing, including the prospective amendments made by Chapter III of Part I of the Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994.

The provisions of the 1995 Act which are not brought into force relate to consignment notes. Those provisions replace provisions of the 1968 Act which have not been brought into force.

The Schedule to the Order contains transitional provisions in connection with the coming into force of provisions of the 1995 Act which reproduce the effect of Chapter III of Part I of the 1994 Act. The Table below identifies provisions of the 1995 Act to which the transitional provisions relate, the corresponding provisions of the 1968 Act and the relevant amending provisions of the 1994 Act.

Paragraph of the Schedule to this OrderProvisions of 1995 Act to which that paragraph relatesCorresponding provisions of the 1968 Act as prospectively amended by the 1994 ActRelevant provisions of the 1994 Act
2 and 3s. 16(2)s. 67(2)s. 46
4ss. 15(4) and 17(5)ss. 64A(4) and 68(6)ss. 44 and 47
5ss. 5 and 6ss. 61 and 61As. 42
6s. 17s. 68s. 47
7s. 11s. 69Es. 49
8 and 9s. 18s. 69Es. 49
10s. 5, 6 and 15ss. 61 and 61Ass. 42 and 44
11s. 26s. 69para. 15(3) of Schedule 13
12 and 13ss. 30, 31 and 32s. 69EA, 69EB and 69ECs. 50
14s. 45(3)s. 89(3)s. 56