The Kingdom of Fife Tourist Board Scheme Amendment Order 1995

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Kingdom of Fife Tourist Board Scheme 1995 (S.I. 1995/1887) (“the scheme”).

Paragraph 4(3)(b) of the scheme provides that there may be appointed to membership of the Board the council for the local government area of Fife. This Order substitutes therefor provision for the appointment of persons, not exceeding 10 in number, to be nominated by that council to be persons representative of the council on the Board (article 2(a)).

The Order also provides that—

(a)each member of the Board and of the controlling body shall have one vote (articles 2(b) and 3);

(b)the appointment of the first members of the controlling body of the Board by the Secretary of State shall terminate 28 days after the date of the first general meeting of the Board (article 3)

(c)decisions of the Board and of the controlling body of the Board shall be by majority (article 4); and

(d)in the case of equality of votes the member presiding shall have a second or casting vote (except where the matter relates to the appointment of a member of the Board or of the controlling body of the Board or a member to any office or committee which is to be resolved by lot) (article 4).