Article 4

Street to be permanently stopped up and for which no substitute is to be provided





Street to be stopped up

Extent of stopping-up

Trafford Park Greater Manchester

Part of Trafford Park Road opposite its junction with Westbrook Road

A length of 120 metres in three sections each of 600 millimetres width as shown on the deposited plans.


Article 11


In this Schedule:


All references to a regulation are references to that regulation in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 199410, as subsequently amended or modified;


references to crossings are references to any or all of the new level crossings, as the context requires; and


references to the carriageway are references to the carriageway of the new highway.

PART Iparticulars of the protective equipment


There shall be a road traffic light controller to provide for the several road junctions, footways and cycleways between Ashburton Road, Trafford Park Road and Zero Avenue where these combine at the Village Circle on the Trafford Park Estate. This system shall normally work independently of the undertaker’s railway to control the several traffic flows in phases as required.


A lamp which when illuminated shows a light signal of the size, colour and type shown in Diagram No. 4006 in the Regulations shall be provided at each of the 4 locations where the undertaker’s railway crosses footways in the Village Circle traffic system shown on the deposited plans. The lamps shall each be located so as to be as close as practicable to the railway and shall be directed towards pedestrians approaching the crossing along the footways. It shall be possible to adjust the directional alignment of the lamps.


The road traffic light signal controller mentioned in paragraph 2 above shall be connected to the railway control system in such a manner that a special phase can be selected when it is required to pass a train through the Village Circle.


The special phase mentioned in paragraph 4 above shall be so arranged as to switch all road traffic light signals, pedestrian and cycleway signals applicable to movements over the railway to show red aspects to oncoming traffic. The red aspects thus switched shall continue to show until the special phase is released.


There shall be a primary control point on each rail approach to the Village Circle so located that there is a clear view of all the crosings from each. Each primary control point shall have a key operated main switch to energise the control point and switches to:


initiate the special phase of the road traffic light signal controller — the “initiate” switch; and


release the special phase of the road traffic light signal controller — the “cancel” switch.


There shall be a secondary control point on each rail departure side of the Village Circle so located that the head of or the locomotive of a train approximately 200 metres long can be stopped adjacent to it and clear of the nearest crossing in rear of the train. Each of the secondary control points shall have a key operated main switch to energise the control point and a switch to release the special phase of the road traffic light signal controller — a “cancel switch”.


A driver’s indicator shall be provided on each railway approach to the Village Circle and shall, when lit, show an intermittent white light. The white light shall only show if the road traffic light signal controller mentioned in paragraph 2 above has responded to the “initiate” switch mentioned in paragraph 6 above and the power supply has not failed.


A stop board of standard railway design displaying the words “Stop − Wait for white light and whistle before proceeding” shall be provided on each railway approach to the Village Circle approximately 25 metres before the carriageway edge on the nearest approach. The stop boards shall be provided with Class I retroreflecting material or shall be illuminated.


An advance warning board of standard railway design shall be provided on each railway approach to the Village Circle and shall be provided with Class I retroreflecting material or shall be illuminated.


In this Part—

  • “class I retroreflecting material” is material which satisfies British Standard 873, Part 6, or is of an equivalent standard.

PART IIrequirements to be observed by the undertaker


Visual indicators shall be provided in each primary control point. The indicators shall show when—


the main power supply is available.


the road traffic light signal controller has responded to the “initiate” switch and the road traffic light signals are conditioned to show red aspects to road traffic and pedestrians approaching the crossings.


When one or other of the key switches mentioned in paragraph 6 above is unlocked and the “initiate” switch is operated the sequence of events to close the crossing to road traffic shall automatically begin. The sequence shall be:


The road traffic light signal controller shall immediately register the requirement for a train to pass and shall progress as soon as practicable to the special phase mentioned in paragraph 4 above.


When the road traffic light signal controller has selected the special phase the pedestrian signals shall immediately show red lights and the amber lights in the road traffic signals approaching the railway shall immediately show.


The amber lights shall show for approximately 3 seconds.


Immediately the amber lights are extinguished the red lights in the road traffic light signals approaching the railway shall show.


Not less than 27 seconds shall elapse between the time when the amber lights first show and the time when the train reaches the nearest carriageway.


The road traffic light signal controller shall be released as soon as the train has passed clear of the Village Circle and the “cancel” switch has been operated in one or other of the relevant control points.


Drivers shall bring their trains to a halt at the stop boards mentioned in paragraph 9 above and shall sound the train’s whistle before proceeding.


Trains travelling in either direction shall not proceed over the Village Circle until the white lights of the lamps mentioned in paragraph 8 above show. If the white light fails to show, drivers shall not proceed until they have been directed to do so by the shunter in charge.


The undertaker shall give notice in writing to the Secretary of State as soon as the provisions of this Schedule (so far as they relate to the provision and system of operation of the protective equipment) have been met, so that the system may be inspected by H.M. Railway Inspectorate as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter.